Saturday, January 18, 2014

Anyone have any tips for traveling with infants during the holidays?

best infant toys for christmas
 on Top 10 Christmas Gift Shop - Christmas Gifts For Children aged-Birth ...
best infant toys for christmas image


My daughter will be 11 months old, and we're going to visit my in-laws for a week between thanksgiving and christmas. We've flown with her before, so we're not completly unexperienced. But would love any tips anyone out there can give me on making this holiday journey easier on all of us! thanks!

bring extra of EVERYTHING!!
we didnt bring enough when we went traveling and it was a big mistake, lost the only pacifier, spilled the cheerios, not enough toys to keep the baby entertained, but wipes are a big hand...bring lots of those they can be used for baby and yourself and also as toilet paper, as hand wipes, as a car cleaner...almost anything!

What do you buy a one year old girl for christmas or birthday?

Michelle N

My daughter will be 1 on november 16th, and christmas is right after. I also have friends with babies that will be turning a year old between now and then too and i just have no idea what to buy a 1 year old... And i would like detailed answers please. thank you =)

We were buying lots of things from Discovery Toys at that age. They have awesome infant and toddler toys. If you host a party, they are even more affordable. The Hammer a way, measure up cups, and tangiball were favorites at our house. (If you like those toys, you can often find more affordable similar toys in other brands at WalMart or Toys R Us.)

We also got our daughter a ride on toy like this one: To be honest, she had more fun playing with the box it came in. LOL

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