Friday, February 14, 2014

Would you please give some tips on how to babysit infants?


I need a speach ready on it in four hours... Thank you.
Thank you Skivi... You have helped me the most. I cannot rate yours as a "best answer" yet.

the most important thing is to keep them busy. when small kids have got your full attention they tend not to misbehave. turn the tv off, get their favourite toys out on the floor and play whatever games they are interested in.

when it is getting close to bed time calm it down a little with a book or a bottle of milk (depending on age). don't ever make it a punishment to go to bed early as this will make it more difficult to get them to sleep the next time you babysit.

get kids involved in everything you do, don't spend time on the phone or doing your own thing as accidents happen when you are distracted. if you are making food, let them help.

you have been left in charge of somebody elses child and that is a huge responsibility. for the time you are there, make sure you are devoted to the childs needs, ie games, food, changing them etc.

when the child is asleep, check on them every half hour or so, if the parent calls to see if everything is ok, they will be put at ease if you can tell them when you last made sure.

finally, don't forget the parents, it's not always easy for mums and dads to leave their little ones, no matter how well they know you. if you are doing your job right, every time you turn up to babysit the child will be delighted to see you, this is the best gift a parent could have when it comes to childcare.

p.s. don't be upset or put off if the child cries when the parents leave, this is perfectly natural. take it in your stride, tell the parents that everything will be ok, try to distract the child with a toy or game and let the parents tiptoe out then. make sure you have contact numbers and emergency numbers to hand and a first aid course is invaluable to anyone around children.

Can dog toys cause cancer?


I'm thinking lately about the three dogs I've had when I was growing up that each died to cancer.

I was looking at the toys I get my puppy and I was thinking that there's no way the dog toys could be sold to infants because of the dyes and chemicals in some of the fabrics (as far as fuzzy squeaky toys) and even tennis balls.

Does anyone know if that's a logical connection? I'm sure that my puppy ingests some particles from her toys each time she plays with them. Couldn't that accumulate in her system and somehow be carcinogenic?

Also, does anyone know a way I can prevent cancer in my dog? She's 1 year old and I don't want to do something that harms her without knowing it.

Yes, if certain amounts are ingested they can cause cancer and liver problems. I recommend reading a little more about it here:

How to prevent Cancer in Dogs:

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