Friday, February 14, 2014

What is the youngest age recorded that an infant was walking?

Angel P

Im curious as to the youngest age a baby can walk
i cant find any info about it on the web.
Do you know?
If so, where did you find the answer??

The earliest I have seen really walking (able to walk several steps unassisted) is 7 months. I think most moms of super-early walkers woud have babies at least 7 months before they would be able to walk across a room. I have 3 kids...the oldest girl walked several steps at 8.5 months, the middle girl at 7.5 months, the youngest boy at 11 months (I swore he would never my early girls!)

Oh - and never push a baby to learn to walk. My girls were never pushed or taught...but DH and I were both early walkers so they come by in naturally. Children that are taught/pushed into learning to walk before they are naturally pulling up and able to push toys around...usually end up with problems. It isn't worth it just to say your baby was a young they time they are 1 1/2 you would never know which babies were early walkers and which ones weren't so it really makes no difference - let them develop on their pace.

when should my infant start walking?


My baby girl is 12 months old and shows no interest in walking. She has hit every other milestone early but refuses to walk. she started crawling at six months and pulling up at seven. She will walk around furniture if she can hold onto it, but will not stand without holding on to something. I was just wondering when typical babies start walking because two babies that we know are b oth two weeks younger but already are walking. She can walk if she is pushing one of her toys that has wheels. is there anything we need to do as parents to help her or just let her figure it out on her own. When we try to get hr to walk to us she lifts her feet or crawls. Yes this is our first child......

Congratulations on having a beautiful..and healthy baby girl! 18 months is the "developmental cutoff" by which a child should start walking. That means crawling, scooting, or just wiggling until then is perfectly fine! You don't even need to "teach" walking-just love her up and make her feel special exactly the way she is. Stay away from walkers, too-they can provide her with more mobility than she's ready for and allow her to get to places (the tops of staircases, for example) that might be dangerous. You should know there's some evidence to support that late crawlers (kids who crawl until 18 months) are better readers later on in school. Something to do with motor skills being really developed. Anyway, don't worry. She's just fine!!!

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