Friday, February 14, 2014

Does anyone know how to make toys for cocktails ?

lily girl

Cheap, with stuff you have at home? Some Rope and some empty toilet paper rolls. Any plastic toys or leftover infant rattles and toys make good bird toys. You can use popsicle sticks, fleece or leftover fabrics to tie into knots, pieces of branch from a tree with the bark peeled off. Lots of things around the house make great toys! Take soda bottle plastic caps, and poke holes through them, string them on a rope making knots in between each one. Add some strips of fabric tied in knots between the soda caps.

If you want to get really creative, go to a good bird store, here in NJ I go to Paterson Bird Store, but you can buy the parts on eBay as well. Put in Bird Toy Parts in the search area.

You can get leather rope, Paulie Rope, or plastic chain. You can get wooden beads, plastic small toys, bells, dice, fleece and more to make toys with. Its nice to learn to do it yourself, because a lot of times the birds destroy only part of the toy and you can use the rest to make another toy.

Here is a great website for making toys for your bird.

Homemade toy for children 6-12 months?

Just Me

hi, can anyone give me any suggestions on making an easy to make homemade toy for infants 6-12 months. Something that would help with fine motor skills would be a plus. FYI:this is for a infant/toddler class. Please and thanks

Pots/pans and a wooden spoon.

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