Friday, February 21, 2014

when do terrible twos end?

angela r

my son started terrible twos at terrible one and now he is worse its hard to believe he is the same baby!! when do they end?

Unfortunately, the experts say it tapers off around age 5, I read a few articles in the parenting magazines I get in the mail before they were destroyed by my kids, lol. My daughter just turned 3, she started hers at about 20 months, and has been getting worse. It's not an all the time thing, but dang, some days I really wish I could just duct tape her to the wall w/ tape on her mouth without getting in trouble. We are currently engrossed in a "Mom made this for dinner and this is what we are all eating, and you will not get something else because you haven't even tried this and are trying to talk me into letting you eat pop tarts for dinner" battle, it's been going on for 2 weeks now. She'll eat food sometime. She had her first public tantrum the other day cause I couldn't push the grocery cart w/ the toy car on the front all the way across the parking lot through the slush to our car, so I had to drag her kicking and screaming, while carrying an infant seat w/ my chubba son, and 6 bags of groceries. She's worse because she has a new brother, and is trying for attention while trying to be independent, and is overly loving to my infant, including trying to lay her 40 lb self on his 11 lb while he's laying on the couch, or in his bouncy seat. She won't potty train. And I could vent for hours, lol. She was a sweet natured baby, now she's 3 going on 30 and I'm not looking forward to her teenage years. She's been hanging around her grandparents too much, and cussing, and is a bossy lil thang. My mom truly got me with the whole "I can't wait till you grow up and have a little girl just like you"... sigh...
Good luck!

Parents I really need some honest help (possible child molesting psycho said something to my boyfriend)?

No Cookies

This Creepy member of our church, we can call him Phil, brought X=rated materials, dirty magazines, to church. We found out when there was a mix up with his book bag and my son's book bag, I reached in and saw that there were no toys in it like I thought and that it was all porn. This guy has always given me the creeps. I asked the assistant pastor to say something to him and explain that, that's not appropriate but she said it made her too uncomfortable. The regular Pastor is on vacation right now. So my boyfriend stepped up and had a talk with "Phil". I don't know what was said but my boyfriend was totally freaked out, and even walked my children and me home, he acted all paranoid and won't tell me what's wrong. So I went on Megan's law and found a guy that looks just like "Phil" but different name but I know it's him. I tried to talk to my boyfriend again tonight about it and he just dismissed me and said "keep the kids away from Church until Pastor Rodney comes back." When I tried to tell him about the Megan's law thing he got really silent and suggested I not take the kids on a walk in the evenings anymore without him. Now i'm pissed and paranoid, obviously he told my boyfriend something I need to know what it is, but I think my boyfriend thinks I will freak out *because I freak out easily. What should I do.

I know people come on her and troll some of the girls and I have posted some funny questions before (like why won't my infant eat pizza) but this is serious and no joke, serious answers please.
I meant to say some of the girls at work- sorry.

This 'Phil' guy sounds like he could be quite dangerous and I would suggest you take your partners lead and refrain from going until your regular pastor comes back. I get the vibe that your partner has been threatened by creepy guy and rather than start trouble he is avoiding the situation. Especially for the safety of you and your children.
I would suggest if you have significant evidence that you speak to someone within your local law enforcement about your worries. At least that way they will be aware there could be a sexual predator in the area.

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