Monday, February 17, 2014

What is normal behavior for a 9 month old infant girl?


My daughter just turned 9 months and she likes to throw tantrums and cling on to my legs especially when i am cleaning, she doesn't like to eat her baby food, she always wants what I have. She is constantly putting EVERYTHING in her mouth and loves to play with my keys, she pushes all her toys around on the floor including my cell phone. She doesn't want to play with her toys only what I have and she wakes up about 5 times a night and won't go back to sleep unless she gets her bottle. I am trying to ween her off the bottle like pediatricians have told me but she won't have it. After reading some of the developmental skills of other 9 month old infants I am scared that she might be slower than her peers. I am a young new mommy and am worried about my angel.
Would you suggest any books on the sleeping portion? I am relieved to know that she is a normal little girl :) I just hope that her behavior improves and soon!!!

you daughter doesnt sound slow except the waking up i know to get my daughter out of that i started using the cry it out so she would learn to self sooth and it has worked great she sleeps through the night every night and has since about 6 months and slept through almost every night since 4 months i know i no longer rock her to sleep though i stopped that at 6 months because i would rock her till she was out and the second i went to place her down she would wake so i would have to redo it all over. as for the bottle my daughter was having a tough time with the cups but i finally have one that works for her its kinda like the take and toss by first year only its made by munchkin its called the twist tight it has a really easy to drink from cover since it has no valves and it is the only cup my daughter can drink from it can leak though but i dont worry about a few drops cause it doesnt pour out or anything.

walmart sells those cups mixed in with the Disney/ nick jr cups they are like $4 for 3 of them but you have to read the package closey cause i know the walmart near me only has them with dora and spongbob the rest are different and dont work the same.

How do I get my 9 mo. old to CRAWL?!?!?

Um Imad

My baby is 9 months old this week. He is my only baby, but I try not to spoil him and carry him around too much. (But I probably do anyway.) He does sit and entertain himself for a while. If he falls over he can't quite get up without a little help. He has an exersaucer and an infant seat that he sits in a lot. He never liked to be on his tummy, only recently started rolling from tummy to back, but still not from back to tummy.

I try to put toys just out of reach but he doesn't make any move to try to get to them. I put him "in the position", try to give him a little push. He either fusses at me or laughs at me.

His cousin is 7 weeks older and he now crawls. A friend of mine has a SEVEN month old, already pulling himself up and trying to stand and walk!

Is 9 months too young or should he already be crawling? is there anything i can do to help him along?
Okay, so far, thanks for all the replies. Just want to say, I am not forcing so much as "encouraging" hahaha. I know he will do what he wants when he wants. But sometimes I talk to people and they are like,"He's not crawling YET?!" I'm thinking maybe I should do something to help him get mobile! And I was interested in how and when other babies started to crawl.

I could have written this post 9 year ago. LOL!!! Boy I remember those days. My oldest was born 4 weeks early so she always seemed to be a little bit behind everyone. I had to teach her to roll from tummy to back at almost 6 months. And that little girl pretty much refused to crawl. One winter morning (it happened to be an ice day here in TX) I cranked up the heat, put her in shorts, and put a soft blanket on the floor. I was determined to teach her to crawl. No go. She just wasn't ready. I did learn that day that you really can't teach skills like that to any baby. They do it all on their own. She crawled several weeks later, of her own accord. She walked just past one year. She's definitely no longer behind.

You are not alone in your worry. But I caution you not to get caught up in comparing him to others. Believe me, you will waste alot of time doing that. I used to worry that she wouldn't learn to read because I wasn't sitting down with her at 4 yod to teach her. I homeschool and most of my friends were doing formal school with their 4 yods. I was barely keeping up with life with 3 little ones at the time. She learned to read when all the rest of the kids took off with their reading (took her 5 months to really get it while it took everyone longer because their kids weren't ready) and now she reads more books in a month than most of those children read in a year. She just finished "The Little Princess" that I had trouble reading aloud to her when she was younger. She amazes me. (I wasn't a reader like she is.) I have learned from that dear child that comparing only sets her up to fail in my eyes and it just stresses me out. When I stopped comparing her, I began to success as a mother and she began to succeed at just about anything she touched. . .even if it did take her longer than others - but how notices. hehehe!!!! And I have applied this to every other child I now have.

Be patient with him. Continue to do what you are doing. To be honest, what you describe sounds like a very laid back little guy with no where to go and all the time in the world to ge things done. You will cultivate such a wonderful child if you sit back and just wait for him to do it in his time. I believe they gain confidence from that. My youngest is very laid back. He didn't crawl until much later and he didn't walk until almost 15 mos. He's as laid back as can be (unless he doesn't get his way. Sheesh!!!) You really do sound like your doing a great job with him. And I love your concern for him. You make a great mommy.

God Bless.

mom of 5 w/ #6 due Nov 08

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