Friday, February 21, 2014

traveling with infants?


I took my twin sons age 7 weeks camping 3 1/2 hours away. When I got home they were really fussy and just wanted to be held. I am thinking maybe they got use to their car seat and the car moving now they may want to be in their car seat. I have not put them in it but was thinking abt going camping again this weekend. Not sure if I should ge. We do have a trailer at this camp ground. Do u think they are fussy because of the car seat?

They may not have had enough sleep over the weekend. 90% of the time my daughter is/was fussy it was over lack of naps and disrupted sleep. She is extra clingy, skiddish of loud noises, and doesn't seem to be content with anything when she's tired. I kept thinking "she's sleeping again??" but when she didn't sleep, she was a bear!

Hope you don't encounter any while you're camping!! LOL.

Enjoy it ... now is such a good time to go. They require so little as far as toys and they aren't crawling. Don't give up the chance!!

Advice for traveling with an infant..?

Momma to 4

Hello Everyone- We recently got a call that a very close uncle of mine has passed away. His funeral is Wednesday evening, so we will be traveling Tuesday. We have about a 5 hour drive to make. I have 2 daughters. A 26 month old & a 3 1/2 week old! We will be traveling with both girls. We have never taken a long trip with such young ones...
Any tips for traveling with an infant?!
She is formula fed... if that helps at all :)

First of all sorry for your loss.
My husband and I made a trip from Rich VA to Pittsburgh PA, with a 2 1/ yr old and a 3 week old. Even though my older baby was potty trained we put her in pull-ups just in case we could not get to a rest stop quick enough. For her we packed a back back of coloring books, reading books and some small toys. Also some juice sippy cups and crackers and snacks. For the 3 week old he was on formula, we had water already measured out in the bottles, when he needed to eat we mixed in the powdered formula. I would sit back there and keep him in his car seat with his seatbelt on to feed. I would quickly take him out of his seat just long enough for a burp, then put him back in and buckle him back up. As far as changing his diaper, when he peed I would unbuckle him leave him in his seat and change him then put the clean diaper on and re-bucklehim. When he pooped, we pulled over to a gas station or rest area.

For the most part babies at that young of an age 3 1/2 weeks get "put" to sleep when in a car anyway. So the baby will probably be the easier one. The older baby will probably get ancy and want to get out of the seat.

Good Luck and again I am sorry for you loss

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