Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Are you going to circumcise your baby boy?

Proud Momm

Why or why not?

No national or international medical association recommends routine circumcision.

No. It is a cosmetic surgery, medically unnecessary. It is extremely painful (see the video link at the end of my message). Genital Integriy, Intact Genitals, Rights to an Intact Body are for all.

If you are religious, "God Designed. Mother Approved. Revision is Circumcision"

Every baby boy on the planet is born with a foreskin and yet very few have them removed. The foreskin is a perfectly normal natural body part.

It is illegal to circumcise baby girls. Would you be asking this question if your baby is a girl? The answer is probably no. So, the answer to would "I amputate normal healthy body parts of my baby boy,at the risk of death, perform cosmetic elective surgery on my perfect newborn?" The answer is no.

Doctors tell you the amputated Lie when it comes to Circumcision. I beg you to learn the WHOLE TRUTH.

Every YEAR, more than 100 babies die from Circumcision. If this was a product, a toy, a crib, stroller, bottle for sale, on the market, for babies, it would have been recalled long ago.

Here is a video made by doctors for doctors on circumcision.

Here is a another link containing the actual surgical procedures of circumcision


â¢No national or international medical association recommends routine circumcision.

â¢Only the USA circumcises the majority of newborn boys without medical or religious reason.

â¢Medicalized circumcision began during the 1800s to prevent masturbation, which was believed to cause disease.

â¢Today's parents are learning that the foreskin is a normal, protective, functioning organ.

â¢Today's parents realize circumcision harms and has unnecessary risks.

â¢Circumcision denies a male's right to genital integrity and choice for his own body.


Whats A Brony??????????


I heard people call people bronys on so many places (omegle.com, school, etc) and I really want to find out what it is so if you know please tell me. The person with the most and best answer wins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Definition: A person who is outside of the targeted demographic who likes the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

Here is a little history.

1980: Started out as a toy line called My Pretty Pony. Was eventually bought by Hasbro.

1981: Generation 1 of My Little Pony. Some films and took place in a fantasy setting. There was also a film where the setting was in a modern city. A standard girl's show at the time.

1990s: Generation 2 didn't have a dedicated TV series or films but only had a toy line (although some consider the TV series near the end of G1's time to be part of G2)

2003: Generation 3 starts. The absolute epitome of what is "girly" in a stereotypical definition. Everything was girly, plot was absolutely horrible, and was definitely meant for girls who were of a very young age. Art direction wasn't very good either.

2009: Hasbro decided to rehash the Generation 3 characters and had some design changes. This was called Generatioin 3.5. Just like Generation 3, this was the epitome of pain and misery.

Late 2009: Hasbro decided to create a new version called newborn cuties. Animation was an abomination, characters were an abomination, nonexistent plot, and would lower your IQ. If Generation 3.5 was considered pain and misery, then I don't know what to call this one.

(Generation 3, 3.5, and newborn cuties are all considered to be the worst of all My Little Pony incarnations).


Hasbro and Discovery Kids eventually formed a joint venture television channel called THE HUB. Hasbro wanted to capitalize on the franchises they've owned (such as Strawberry Shortcake, Transformers, and My Little Pony).

When developing the fourth generation of My Little Pony, Hasbro confronted Lauren Faust and asked her what she could do with the franchise. Lauren Faust is known for working on The Powerpuff Girls and Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends.

They were able to get very respected people of the cartoon industry such as Daniel Ingram (music) and animators who have worked on Samurai Jack and a bunch of others. There are also very highly talented voice actors in the show such as Tara Strong and Tabitha St. Germaine. If anything, the 4th generation of My Little Pony has a very large production value.

On October 2010, Hasbro launched the pilot episodes of the 4th generation called "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic." Many reviews praised the show saying that the show was actually very enjoyable to watch for the entire family. Of course, there were those such as the review by AMID that said seeing names such as Lauren Faust in the credits was a white flag of defeat. He says how disappointing it is to see such people in the credits because he says cartoons have become nothing more than marketing ploys to sell toys. This caught the attention of the cartoon board of 4chan. Most made image macros as a joke of MLP, but as some people watched a few episodes, some actually really liked it.

And so, from the depths of 4chan, Bronies (bro+pony) were born.

Here is some information regarding this fandom.

Equestria Daily, the main website for pony related news has over 240,000,000 views since its creation in January 2011.
Bronycon last summer had over 4000 attendees.
Everyday, there are meetups all around the world (listed in the nightly roundups of Equestria Daily).
Clinton was quizzed on MLP facts, Stephen Colbert had a shoutout to us, Conan O'Brien ponified himself and posted the picture on his twitter, Howard Stern talked about us (although in a bad way), a MLP shoutout is given in the Borderlands 2 ending credits, and Jetblue Airlines has even posted ponies on their twitter (and has created an original character with Bronies).
We have also been on Fox news, CBS, CNN, Yahoo news, local news outlets around the world, and in the official Top Gear Magazine!!!
There are over 300,000 images of MLP on DeviantArt alone.
John De Lancie, the voice actor of Discord and the actor for Q from Star Trek, is going to create an official documentary about bronies. They had a kickstarter campaign aiming for $60,000 but instead got $320,000 from the brony community.

Unlike other fandoms, Bronies are known for the content we produce such as music, art and fanfiction. FIMFICTION (pony fanfiction) has over 30,000 fanfiction. The longest pony fanfiction is over 608,000 words long (Harry Potter Deathly Hallows is 169,000 words long). Also, there is a fanfic called Past Sins that is going to be printed in physical hard cover copies (unfortunately the sign ups are over).

Also, if you want to have further information about the show and the community, I'd recommend you watch Saberspark's "Balld of the Brony" on youtube.

Hopefully you have a better understanding of Bronies and maybe you'll come to enjoy the show as well!

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