Wednesday, February 19, 2014

When can infants fly on the airplane?


My baby is 4 months and my husband and I are planning to take her on the plane in about a month. Is it ok for her to fly? Has anyone had any experience with taking a young infant on the plane and are there any tips I should know?

Mu husband and I took our daughter on her first flight when she was nearly 4 months old. Our doctor recommended Tylenol and a pacifier or bottle for take-off and landing--to help with pain and to help her ears pop when the pressure changes.

Skip the Benadryl--especially at that age. There are new studies out that say that Benadryl can make some children stay awake instead of get sleepy. Just try to book your flight for naptime instead.

Bring a bag stuffed with all of her favorite toys and blankets--anything that makes her feel at home.

The biggest issue we had were diaper changes. We only booked 2 seats so we could save money. We booked an aisle seat and the seat next to it so we could have easy access to the restroom; but, the restrooms are so small that we had to sort of balance her on the toilet cover to change her. The next flight we took, we booked the whole row. We still sat her on our laps, but we had a seat to hold the diaper bag while in the air and a spot to change her that was a little less uncomfortable.

Airplane travel with an infant....?

London's M

I am going on a short (1.5 hours) airplane ride with my 3 month old this weekend. I purchased a seat for her and will be putting her in her car seat on the plane. Any tips for a smooth ride.... ? Any experiences...?
umm Red.. that didn't answer the question..
As naive as this sounds.. the airplane is going to emit the same amount of CO2 whether we are on it or not :)

She'll probably sleep the WHOLE time. Nurse or bottlefeed her, bring one toy for her and a change of clothes. We took my daughter for a plane trip at 2 months, she didn't have her own seat I just held her, it was about 6 hours total of flying time, split into two flights. She slept and slept, she only cried for about 15 minutes total and that was because the plane was really hot before takeoff on the second flight. We did only one diaper change on the plane when her diaper leaked, but you'll probably be able to get away with just changing her before and after the flight. Don't worry, the whole flight will probably be over in the blink of an eye. I took my daughter on a 1.25 hour flight more recently when she was about 14 or 15 months, and she chewed a teething toy and watched cartoons and waved at people, and then I fed her as we were landing and we got off. She thought it was a great adventure.

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