Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Flying with my infant?


We are flying from FL to CO with our 5 month old? What can I expect? Can you please give me some insight as to make this flight a good time to be had by all? He will be sitting in my lap rather than buying him his own seat....First time mommy here! Thanks for any info. you have for me!!

I'm also a first time mum, and was very nervous about flying with our 8 month old son.
We took a couple of his favourite toys, his bottle and his sippy cup. We also took his favourite food (banana) as the flight included his usual lunchtime.
I was worried about take off and landing, and the pressure in his ears, but it didn't bother him at all and he was far too busy looking at everyone around him. The noise of the plane soon lulled him to sleep and the flight was pleasant for us all!

We were given preferential treatment at the airport and got through passport control quickly (well in the UK anyway!)

Be prepared - any teething gels, nappy cream etc, put in a plastic bag in your change bag ready.

We dressed our little one in a sleepsuit, rather than clothes so he was comfortable and easy to change.

I hope you have a good flight!

I need help with a toy search project, can you please help me?

Q. What would be a good toy for an infant in the following age areas?

Birth - 1 month

4 - 8 months

8 - 12 months

if you goto the toy section of a store and goto the infant/toddler section the toys are clearly labeled with the ages that specific toy is appropriate for

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