Sunday, February 16, 2014

my baby is 3 months old and he has no interest in toys yet?


he has a whole toy section with rattles, stuffed animals, teething rings, plastic mirrors, play mat, etc. he shows no interest in anything except the plastic mirror once in a while.. is this okay? he can roll over and hold stuff so i just don't get why.. he's also old enough too lift his shoulders and head. i think he might be teething as well. He's drooling a lot! and he just bites my fingers all the time and other stuff. opinions before i go see a doctor about anything?

Your baby is still too young. Babies do not always get interested in toys till about 4-5 months.
Read more on how babies play and use toys in below link :

Teething toy for my 3 month old baby?


My 3 month old seems to love chewing on things...though she's fa...r away from teething, i thought it might be a good idea to let her chew on teething toys (well atleast better than wathing her biting into her burp cloths lol). Is it bad for her gums since she's not actually teething?

She could be teething, some babies start pretty early and some have itchy gums from an early age and that is why she may be chewing. Chilled wash cloths make great teethers and are super easy to clean. The chilled water filled teethers should be fine, but I would get rid of them once she gets teeth. They break super easy! Also my daughter loved chewing on a RAZ pacifier. They are the best teethers. She also really loved this vibrated strawberry thing that was made by infantino. She still uses it for her back teeth. Good luck!

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