Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Traveling with an infant?


Me and my 7 month old are traveling by plane to California from Texas, unfortunately she has just started teething as well any tips on how to make the trip as enjoyable as possible for both of us?

Just bring her favorite toy and snacks. When actually on the airplane...you just have to keep her entertained as long as possible.

My son usually fell asleep on each plane ride. But there were a couple rides where he just wanted to not be held and get into everything. Ugh!

We fly all the time. We actually did when my son was 7 months as well. That trip he slept all 4 plane rides.

Good luck!

Flying with an infant?


My son will be 5 1/2 months old when we will be flying out to stay with my parents (we live on opposite coasts). I know he will be fussy during the flight, but looking for any advice to make this an enjoyable experience for him as I can (and the surrounding passengers). I'm flying alone with him (my husband has to work).

We have a connecting flight on each trip - and about an hour layover between each one. We are flying first class, so we will have plenty of room (he has a lap ticket). I plan on bringing toys, books, his comfort blankets, & I've downloaded some cartoons on iTunes. I plan to use a bottle/paci during take off and landing to help with the ear pain. And I'm going to try to keep him on his normal schedule - as much as I can at least.

Any other advice to help make this as pleasant of an experience for all of us?
I also bought a bulk supply of those foam earplugs that I plan on giving out to the passengers around us as soon as we get on the plane -- if nothing else I figure it'll be humorous.

Sounds like you are well prepared. I flew with my son on my own when he was 5 months old and he did so great. I bought a few new toys before we left and didn't let him play with them until we were on the plane so they were new to him and hopefully keep his interest for a while. He was so interested in babbling to all of the passengers on the plane and I'd give him a bottle when he was started to get a little tired or fussy. He never cried on any of my flights. He played or slept most of the time. Just do what you normally do. If your son gets a little fussy then passengers have to understand. I hate when you get on a plane with a baby and you get those "oh crap" looks from everyone. They have to understand that you had to fly with your baby and babies cry. Flight attendants were a great help for me too. Always asking if I needed anything and talking to my son which kept him a little entertained too. It won't be so bad! I hope it goes smoothly for you!

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