Sunday, February 2, 2014

Traveling with an infant?


Me and my 7 month old are traveling by plane to California from Texas, unfortunately she has just started teething as well any tips on how to make the trip as enjoyable as possible for both of us?

Just bring her favorite toy and snacks. When actually on the just have to keep her entertained as long as possible.

My son usually fell asleep on each plane ride. But there were a couple rides where he just wanted to not be held and get into everything. Ugh!

We fly all the time. We actually did when my son was 7 months as well. That trip he slept all 4 plane rides.

Good luck!

travel with an infant?


Anybody know how much trouble traveling from NJ to Philadelphia airport by train with a 10 month old will actually be? I could go to newark nj easliy by train by myself with the baby but tickets through philadelphia are more than 100 dollars less expensive. Should I pay the extra hundred and get there easily or try to make it to philadelphia?

If your baby is not a trouble maker and is not teething at this time you should not have many problems. May be it's even better on a train, you have more freedom then on a plain and more room. Most babies are too curious at 10 month to be easy. If you brestfeed have something to cover youself and the baby cause it's the sure way to quite them. Get some little silly things at a dollar store (not toys) - kids love adult stuff - to keep the baby busy. When i travel i usualy fly, and I try to buy non stop night time tickets, so mine sleeps the whole way, just once I had a daytime ticket, and I am never makig this mistake again. No one knows your baby better then you, so no one can help you better then youself. Safe and easy trip.

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