Wednesday, February 5, 2014

do u think 2012 is true?

People that say ANYTHING out of the ordinary is going to happen in 2012 are delusional and need to seek psychiatric help.

There will be no pole-flips, no invisible pink planets, no exploding Mayan calendars, no alignments causing (unnamed) catastrophes... and if you don't believe me... go ask the people that made this #$% up. They are LOONS.

For example....

Nancy Lieder has more frequent flier miles than Barrack Obama, except SHE travels in a Flying Saucer. Yes, she came up with Planet X.

Jose Arguelles claims to be a reincarnated Mayan priest. Yeah, yeah, I know... Shirley MacLaine is an American Treasure, but that doesn't mean she isn't a LOON. Arguelles came up with the Exploding Mayan Calendar.

Terrence McKenna did more drugs than Timothy Leary. Okay, so NO ONE did more drugs than Timothy Leary, but it was close. McKenna, on one of his trips on Magic Mushrooms, came up with the "Chinese Connection" between the "I Ching" and his "Novelty Theory", calling it "Time Wave Zero" and spreading the lies to include China, which is very unfair. Sure, they poison our dogfood and add lead to baby toys, but they are innocent of the 2012 malarkey.

"Doctor" Jaysen Rand also likes to vacation in far off lands. Far FAR off lands, only reachable by Flying Saucer. He got his "Doctorate" by attending a conference of UFOologists. Why do they insist on calling them "UFOs"? The "U" stands for "unidentified" and according to "Doctor" Rand they are all from the Planet Omicron or something, so they are IDENTIFIED! Woo! Real alien life! Any proof? Well, no. He is just one more LOON.

Scratch below the surface of a 2012er and you get a nutcase. Every time.


will the world end in 2012?

lol girl

I need someone to convice me that the world will not really end in 2012!

People that say ANYTHING out of the ordinary is going to happen in 2012 are delusional and need to seek psychiatric help.

There will be no pole-flips, no invisible pink planets, no exploding Mayan calendars, no alignments causing (unnamed) catastrophes... and if you don't believe me... go ask the people that made this #$% up. They are LOONS.

For example....

Nancy Lieder has more frequent flier miles than Barrack Obama, except SHE travels in a Flying Saucer. Yes, she came up with Planet X.

Jose Arguelles claims to be a reincarnated Mayan priest. Yeah, yeah, I know... Shirley MacLaine is an American Treasure, but that doesn't mean she isn't a LOON. Arguelles came up with the Exploding Mayan Calendar.

Terrence McKenna did more drugs than Timothy Leary. Okay, so NO ONE did more drugs than Timothy Leary, but it was close. McKenna, on one of his trips on Magic Mushrooms, came up with the "Chinese Connection" between the "I Ching" and his "Novelty Theory", calling it "Time Wave Zero" and spreading the lies to include China, which is very unfair. Sure, they poison our dogfood and add lead to baby toys, but they are innocent of the 2012 malarkey.

"Doctor" Jaysen Rand also likes to vacation in far off lands. Far FAR off lands, only reachable by Flying Saucer. He got his "Doctorate" by attending a conference of UFOologists. Why do they insist on calling them "UFOs"? The "U" stands for "unidentified" and according to "Doctor" Rand they are all from the Planet Omicron or something, so they are IDENTIFIED! Woo! Real alien life! Any proof? Well, no. He is just one more LOON.

Scratch below the surface of a 2012er and you get a nutcase. Every time.


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