Tuesday, February 4, 2014

best toy ideas to get an active 1 year old?


i have no idea and my mom keeps on asking me what he wants.....he wants diapers and sippy cups...lol but that's not a present

so ideas please

One years old is so easy because they have alot of baby toys and now that they are turning 1, you can get age approiate toys! If you go to walmart.com,, under toys- you can shop by age and they will have a list of toys for that age!

Learning toys are good! They have alot of ideas and NOT expensive!

Riding toys are fun! Those little cars that you can push to learn to walk and then you can sit on it!

Big legos are fun cause you can add to them!

Outdoor toys! A slide or infant swing! My kids always loved those!

If grandma is buying- PICK something good!


what toys will help with my 1 year old's developement?


To promote physical develop you can:
-Give your baby blocks for stacking and other toys for grasping and holding. Items should be at least 1 ½ to 2 inches wide.
-Provide busy boxes and toys to push or pull.
-Provide wheeled toys without pedals.
-Play music for listening and movement.
- Provide a safe area with furniture that is appropriate for your child to practice pulling self to an upright position.

For Intellectual Development you can:
-Play peek-a-boo or pat-a-cake so your child has the opportunity to imitate your actions.
-Hold your child and dance with him.
-Hold your child and show him picture books with animals, toys and people. Talk to him about what he sees in the pictures and teach him names of objects and animal sounds.
-Provide stacking toys such as blocks, nesting rings or cups. In addition to stacking, they can be sorted by color, shape and size.

Good toys for all round development for a 1 year old:-
Rings on a spindle and blocks or nesting cups to stack. Blocks should be 1 ½ to 2 inches across.
Pull toys, push toys, busy boxes, activity boxes and musical toys.
Cloth toys, musical toys, bath toys and balls.
Cloth books, hard cover books with bright, colorful pictures.
Stuffed animals and cuddly toys, and those that make sounds.
Mirrors for infants and toddlers.
Household items such as measuring cups, plastic containers with lids.
Music for listening or for motion (dancing).
Wheeled toys without pedals or ride on toys.
Nesting toys.
Bath toys that float or for filling and emptying.

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