Sunday, February 2, 2014

Parents I really need some honest help (possible child molesting psycho said something to my boyfriend)?

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This Creepy member of our church, we can call him Phil, brought X=rated materials, dirty magazines, to church. We found out when there was a mix up with his book bag and my son's book bag, I reached in and saw that there were no toys in it like I thought and that it was all porn. This guy has always given me the creeps. I asked the assistant pastor to say something to him and explain that, that's not appropriate but she said it made her too uncomfortable. The regular Pastor is on vacation right now. So my boyfriend stepped up and had a talk with "Phil". I don't know what was said but my boyfriend was totally freaked out, and even walked my children and me home, he acted all paranoid and won't tell me what's wrong. So I went on Megan's law and found a guy that looks just like "Phil" but different name but I know it's him. I tried to talk to my boyfriend again tonight about it and he just dismissed me and said "keep the kids away from Church until Pastor Rodney comes back." When I tried to tell him about the Megan's law thing he got really silent and suggested I not take the kids on a walk in the evenings anymore without him. Now i'm pissed and paranoid, obviously he told my boyfriend something I need to know what it is, but I think my boyfriend thinks I will freak out *because I freak out easily. What should I do.

I know people come on her and troll some of the girls and I have posted some funny questions before (like why won't my infant eat pizza) but this is serious and no joke, serious answers please.
I meant to say some of the girls at work- sorry.

This 'Phil' guy sounds like he could be quite dangerous and I would suggest you take your partners lead and refrain from going until your regular pastor comes back. I get the vibe that your partner has been threatened by creepy guy and rather than start trouble he is avoiding the situation. Especially for the safety of you and your children.
I would suggest if you have significant evidence that you speak to someone within your local law enforcement about your worries. At least that way they will be aware there could be a sexual predator in the area.

Moms of potty learners: what do you pack on the go?


What is in your diaper bag/purse/bag/etc. when you leave the house with your potty learner. Tell me everything, even if it's not related to change of clothes, etc. Thanks!

Ok, i'm not a mom, but i am a parent, so....

My son has a SpiderMan backpack that has been used as a diaper bag for a couple of years.

While he was an infant, the diaper bag had: complete spare outfit, 6-8 diapers, package of wipes, a couple of small garbage bags, rash cream, teething toy, however many bottles/sippy cups were needed, and all of his baby documents (birth cert, vaccination record).

As he grew older, the rash cream was replaced with sunscreen, and the teething toy was replaced by old magazines, and a small zip top bag of Cheerios.

Now that he's potty training, we carry three pairs of underwear, two pairs of shorts, and one neutral shirt for back up outfit duty. No diapers, but wipes are always good to have on hand for accidents in and out of the pants--messy eating, small spills, sticky hands, etc. Still have those grabage bags as well, for wet/soiled clothes. A fresh bag of Cheerios--some things don't change so fast. Sunscreen and a bottle of water for emergencies (can you tell i was a Boy Scout?) Still carry a copy of his birth cert and shot records. A couple of toy cars. A rock he picked up at the park. My wife's old cell phone (it's his "phone" now). And a pair of shades--one of three pairs he owns.

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