Monday, May 13, 2013

What do I need to pack for my baby?

Q. We're going to the beach in a few weeks, and this is my first time going on vacation with my 4 month old daughter (she'll be 5 months by the time we go though). I'm getting so excited, that I'm starting to get stuff ready for her, but I'm so worried that I'm going to miss something. If you were going to the beach for 4 days with an infant, what would you bring with you?

A. Well, you want everything you use at home - diaper supplies (extra diapers!), clothes (also extra with some warm stuff for nights in case it gets cool and some long sleeve things to protect more from the sun), burp clothes. In your head, just go through what you do each day and write down each item you use. that is the best way not to forget anything!

You will want to bring something for her to sleep in - a playpen could double as a place to keep her during the day. If you don't do a bedtime routine yet, start one now with things you can bring to look and smell familiar to her - a stuffed animal, a special book, etc.

Special beachy things you will need are sunblock (I would say the highest SPF you can find if you are planning on taking her out on the beach much. most say 6 months plus, but I think in this case you are better off using it - you might talk to you dr to get his opinion on that), a sunhat, a large blanket for her to play on, and any way you can think to provide shade for her. They even sell UV-opaque clothes if you are worried about too much sun) Also, if she is out in the hot weather, make sure to nurse/offer bottles more frequently, because that is how babies quench their thirst.

Bring toys that will be easy to shake sand or rinse salt off of. Also bring toys for the car - things that can dangle from a car seat are good.

I always end up bringing emergency medical supplies too, just in case - a thermometer, baby tylenol, diaper rash cream, and a nose syringe. I have never actually used them, but they are small and good to have. Also bring your doctor's phone number!!! That is something I always almost forget but that I feel so much better having!

aporx. how much money do you think an infant needs a month?
Q. I want to know how much the baisics would be a month for having a child. food, diapers, wipes, clothes, maybe a few toys. you know mainly the esentials. Just a rough estimate.
i live in wisconsin. theres not much here. and i do ususally shop at wal mart. hah.

A. There is a myth out there that kids are expensive. The expense of a child is solely dependant on the parental units. If you want to spend $50 on Nikes for a baby than thats your perogative, dont complain about an expense that is your fault.
Honestly, do you really need to put a new born in Nikes and Tommy hilfiger Do you realy need entire bedroom suite for a child that wont crawl or walk for at least 6 Changing a diaper on a couch, table or chair is just as easy, do you really need a
Keys to being thrifty
*Find a local dollar store..the toy, clothes and whatnots there last just as lonf as the ones at fancy stores. My sons $5 batman gets played with and broken just as fast as the $30 version from toys r us.
*Find a thrift store-tons of deals on kid supplies
*Friends with kids are a blessing, we constantly get hand me downs like cloths, furniture, toys all in great condition. My 2 year actually has a Tommy Hilfiger outfit that was a hand me down, I would never pay that much, crazy
*Drop the pride for a day, take a drive through rich neighborhoods on garbage day, you would be amazed at what they throw away. I havd found unopened infant baths, bassinets etc..
*the most important thing money cant buy...your time, smother them with your time and they wont require all the access things that parents buy to avoid hangin with their kids. Me and my boys are inseperable, walks, rides, beach, parks all free
*There are tons of food programs that assist, WIC etc..There is a church dinner for everyday of the week where I am at, always free and open to everybody, just look and you will find
*good luck
1500 bucks a month for a kid is ridiculous

Is it bad not to buy toys for your infant?
Q. She is @ daycare every weekday from 9-5, but I have no toys for her @ home. I don't see the point. On Saturdays, I hold her and sing & dance while handwashing laundry, and other cleaning, and cooking, then in our other spare time we just go 2 the beach. My mom always makes me feel so guilty, she bought her a ton of stuff and she never played w/ it so I took it to GoodWill

A. I dont think it is bad not to have toys for your daughter but I think that you should have some things for her to play with around the house. Wheter it be some activites such as crayons and coloring books or some sort of game for the entire family. Too many toys can spoil a child but not enough toys can delay development. Toys can be very educational for children or all ages...depending on the toy. Although she get her play time at daycare it is important for her to learn the quality of playing alone at daycare she is with many children for her to interact with. At home she will need time with her parents...sounds like you've got that part down...but she also needs to learn to play on her own to gain some independence and feelings of responsibility and control.

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