Friday, May 17, 2013

What are some fun things to do with older infants (like 10 months) while your babysitting?

Q. Im 13 years old and today i started babysitting this 8-9 month old baby. she got bored with her stuffed animals and toys so easily! what can i do to keep her entertained?

A. There are lots of things you can do to keep the baby entertained! For example, you can:

-read books to her and ask her questions about the book so she feels like she's participating
-sing songs to her
-put her in a stroller and go on walks together (if the weather permits)
-put on an educational television program for her
-play with stuffed animals and make animal noises to keep her excited and interested
-play music and dance around goofily
-play peek-a-boo

As long as you're creative with your resources, you can almost always keep the baby you're babysitting amused!

I would also recommend downloading the free app Recalls Plus. It allows you to keep track of foods and products that have been recalled, that way you can make sure that both you and the baby are consuming and using safe foods and products!

Recalls Plus

What to do during awake time with an infant?
Q. My son is 5 weeks old now, and I was wondering what are you supposed to do with them when they're awake? Obviously I have the feeding, burping and changing thing down, but he doesn't seem to have an interest in toys. I just end up holding him, going for a walk or letting him swing. It seems like there should be more to it. Am I missing something?
Shopping! Great answer ;P

*Shout out to my friend Mrs. Cleaver's Beaver's. Wasn't trying to piss you off my friend. Much love, xoxo!

A. Shopping.. lol **Kidding**
It seems to me like you are coping really well and have established a routine well done!
At times like this if your bored its time to get out and about with friends and sort of start interrupting his routine a little .... not different times but different things, new surroundings etc.
From the birth of my baby after this I joined a play group yes at this age its the parents doing more of the talking then the kids however sitting all the bubba's in a circle on the floor gives them a chance to explore other children's faces, expressions, movements etc... of similar age.
Your routine will change in the next few months when teeth come, rolling begins, crawling.
You may think your son is bored but really he is just getting used to the world, interaction with toys etc will grow as he gets older you may find the first time he crawls will be towards a toy....

What should I look for in a childcare provider?
Q. My kids have always been watched by family members up to now. I am looking for a daycare or a home childcare provider for part time for my toddler and eventually for my infant. What should I look for and what questions should I ask?

A. I used to work at a daycare center and did childcare in my home for many years. Trust your insticts when you walk in. Are there toys on the floor, that is a good sign that the provider doesn't plop them in front of a television for the day. Ask for a schedule of what activities are done throughout the day. Also, ask for a menu!! Another important question to ask is how they punish the kids for bad behavior. Show up to look around without an appointment so they don't have time to "prepare" themselves or the kids. Ask how many people are employed there and how long they have been there, and about the screening process for the employees. If I think of anything else, I'll add it later. Those are some of the important things I can think of off the top of my head.

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