Friday, May 17, 2013

How to babysit twin two year olds and an infant?

Q. This weekend, I will be babysitting twin two year old girls and a baby girl (4 months ish). I have babysat for just the twins before and did well, but I need advice on how to take care of all of them at once, and on what to do whit the infant. Thanks!

A. Hello! I've been babysitting for 4.5 years for children exactly those ages! The tough part of the job will be if the baby cries, which, at 4 months she probably will. Here are a few main causes of crying in infants:
-needs to be burped
-needs diaper change
-too hot or cold
-too much noise and stimulation
-not enough stimulation
-separation anxiety (even babies that young can miss their mothers although that typically starts closer to 6 months)

So obviously, you are going to have to try various things to stop the crying.s Start by checking the diaper and try giving her a bottle. Even if it's not the exact time the mom said to feed her, she may be hungry anyway. Pat her gently on the back to burp her and wait for a burp. Try to figure out if she could be uncomfortable with her clothing or the temperature. If it's noisy, take her to a quiet place. If nothing is going on, try to get her interested in toys and give her some tummy time. Try putting her in a bouncer or baby swing. A white noise machine can work wonders. Try rocking her and holding her in various ways to see what works. Carry her and walk around, GENTLY bouncing your heels. Make shushing sounds, talk quietly, or sing soothing songs. Remember, it probably isn't your fault she is crying and she isn't doing it on purpose. Be patient and do not get frustrated! Do not shake her at all as that could lead to Brain damage or even death. If you grow frustrated, set her in her crib and step away for five minutes, it's okay of she cries for a few minutes. If you need to, call her mom and ask ahead of times what she does to soothe the baby. Meanwhile, let the toddlers play on their own just make sure that you can see them at all times!

Before the mom leaves, ask her what the babies schedule is. Here are a few questions to ask:
-how to prepare bottle
-when baby gets bottle
-how to change diaper (but you probably already know)
-how to put her to bed/naps
-when bed/nap is
-how to calm baby
-if she has a pacifier or anything to help calm her down

And anything else you can think of! Try to come with a few coloring books or old toys for the toddlers so that they don't get bored because sometimes dealing with the baby may take up a lot of the time. Some babies are naturally independent and happy though so you may not have a problem! If you babysat the twins before, you already know what to do with them so they will be easy! Have fun, hope I helped!

What infant toy(s) do you think actually benefits your child developmentally?
Q. My guys are 4 months, and so far I think the activity gym (the mat with toys hanging overhead) is the only thing that really develops them in a way that not having it would not.

The swing, jumper, infant chairs etc. are soothing / fun, but not developmental, but the activity mat allows them to do something they couldn't yet otherwise, which is to grab and bat at toys.

A. I feel the same way. I have a jumper and a swing and they simply keep my son distracted (for a short period of time) when I need to be doing something. The activity mat actually engages his mind and helps him to play. It is by far his favorite place to be when I'm not holding him. I have recently tried him in a Jumperoo and he loved that thing so much he got kinda mad at me when I took him out of it because I could tell he was getting exhausted. It has lights and makes noises when he jumps and he loves light and noises. (And belly dancers for some reason, but I won't get in to that here.) (:

What games or toys should I orgnaize for our baby?
Q. Our baby is 4 months old. We live overseas, so toys are not so varied. What games are good to play with her and what toys are useful at this age?

A. Most toys you can make yourself. You need to make toys that engage your baby's senses, especially touch, sound, and sight. You can make your own shakers by putting beans and ANY other small object in a can or bottle and tapping it shut. It will give your baby a variety of noises to hear and sharpen her sense of hearing. Also, bright colors and lights are easiest for baby to see right now. When you introduce sights, sounds and textures to your baby, you help stimulate the senses and prepare a memory bank of experiences that feed imaginative thinking. You can use anything...try a flashlight on the wall, a laser pointer on the ground (not in your baby's face, of course!) or a prism so your baby can see the different colors. For texture, just use different types of cloth and towels from around your house. Put them near your baby so she can reach for them herself and explore on her own. She will feel them and experience different textures.
Here are some other ideas for encouraging your 4 month old to learn and play:

* During tummy time, place a favorite toy or soft ball in front of the baby to reach for.
* Hide one of your baby's toys - but don't hide it very well - and encourage him or her to find it.
* Let your baby discover that her actions can make things happen. Provide toys that will move or make sounds when your infant manipulates them, such as baby musical instruments, busy boxes, or see-through toys that show motion.
* Sing your favorite nursery rhymes like "Baa, Baa Black Sheep" and "Hey Diddle Diddle".

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