Thursday, May 16, 2013

What are some good stocking stuffers for infants?

Q. I have a daughter who will be five months at Christmas, and I was raised without ever doing Christmas, so I don't know what would be good stocking stuffers for her. Any suggestions?

A. This is going to be my daughters first christmas too and I'm totally stumped. My parents go over board so forgive me if this is beyond what you were hoping to do. Some cute outfits, bath toys, teething rings, can of formula if she uses it, jar baby food as she will be eating it soon or maybe just baby cereal. A teddy bear? Picture of her family for her nursery?? These are things i'm thinking of. And since she really has no idea what is going on it doesnt hurt to throw in things she needs like diapers. She wont care that its not "cool" Merry christmas and good luck

What should I buy my little brother for christmas?
Q. My mom want to know what I am getting him so she can save up for it and order it and all that. He is 1 years old probally like 16-18 months (not sure lol). What do you think about a sit N' Spin or a tricycle?
What ideas do you have?
She said nothing over 50 I think.

A. Learning toys are always great for infants and toddlers, I would find something that will help mold his little mind. Something along the lines of fisher price.

Little People® Pop ’n Surprise Train
Little People® Racin’ Ramps Garage™
Little People® Amazing Animals Circus

All of which are under $50 and are very nice, we bought them for our son when he was little.

Best of luck.

I am looking for christmas help for my 4 year old son. Can anyone help me?
Q. I am a single mother of a 4 year old son, and expecting my second son in January. I looking for a family or person to adopt my family for x-mas. I am not looking for anything for myself. I work full-time as an infant teacher, but after I pay my bills I don't have much money for anything else. When I do I save for my new baby. I really need help this year and my son and I would be very grateful of any help that's offered to us.

A. Many many organizations and groups, including churches and their members adopt families for Christmas.
There is also the Angel Tree Program.
I agree with one of the other answerer's you need to register and let them know that you are requesting Christmas help for your children.
In my area there is a coat and hat drive, school supply drive, food bank drive, toys for tots drive, soup kitchens, and I am sure that there are some I have forgotten to mention!

Good Luck to you and your childen and God Bless!

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