Thursday, May 15, 2014

infants month by month?


i want to know what a baby does 2 & 3 months of age :)
what were your babies doing please be specific :)

2 months: Smiling, cooing, batting at toys, starting to laugh, lifting head off floor, following objects with eyes, able to sit with support, blowing spit bubbles.
3 months: Having conversations (IE: I talk and she cooes back), the mini push up (lifting her arms and belly off the ground while holding her head up), grabbing toys, trying to EAT her toys (haha), rolling belly to back, back to belly, able to stand while holding onto my fingers, plays with her feet and sticks them in her mouth.

Add: remember all babies develop at their own pace!

14 month baby hates bath time?


My son screams and cries when it is time to take a bath. He gets very excitedf when we are fulling hte tub and he helps put in his toys. When we put him in he instantly screams. And the water isn't too hot or cold. This has been going on for 2 months now. He loved to play in the tub with all this little toys and then we were at the in-laws. My husband and I were giving him a bath ( in December) and he has screamed ever since. Any ideas as to how long hating the bathtime will last? I am going out of my mind. He won't even play in his infant tub without having a meltdown.

It varies so much. My son (3.5) still doesn't enjoy the washing part and wants to go straight to the fun play part of it. So I get the washing done in about <5 minutes.

-Play kid music
-Offer toys that are only for bath time
-Sing songs/make it fun
-Dip his feet in and out and smile/laugh

A lot of times your (the parent)'s shocked/scared face of seeing your kid cry will make them even more uncomfortable, I've noticed this with my son. So lighten up and laugh.

A BIG thing with my son since about age 2 was fear of water in the eyes. When I rinsed his hair, he went CRAZY. It was making me nervous of making a mistake. I finally figured out to let him hold a small towel to his eyes so any over spill would hit the towel, and not go into his eyes/face.

Also, he didn't like rinsing in general. So I'd count back from "20" "19....." slowly or fast depending on how much time I'd need to finish rinsing. At 14 mo, I am not sure if he'd understand counting, but you could sing a favorite song and when it ends, the cleaning is over.

Slowly try dipping him in the water, in and out, just the toes, then the knees, splash him, maybe he's sensitive of temperature change. Do it slowly.

First I get ALL the bathing done and then it's play time so I am not on my knees for 20 minutes, but it may be different with your son. on and on.

Have other water 'experiences' that are fun....even out of the tub. Fill up a small tub of water (supervised) and let him throw a boat in, bath toys....don't make the tub/kitchen sink always for serious bath time/associated with screaming.

Is he scared of the tub? I had a "DUCK" inflatable tub that my son just HATED. I had to return it even though *I* thought it was cute.

Is it something simple like him slipping in the tub (fear of drowning), or ...? Put a towel under his butt so he won't slip...sometimes these baby tubs are slippery!!

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