Tuesday, November 19, 2013

should I put my kids in daycare?

best way to disinfect infant toys
 on Clorox to Disinfect Toys thumbnail
best way to disinfect infant toys image


well to start it off I have twin girls. They do not go to daycare. It is cheaper that way for me. Well i am going to join a jazzercise class and they have daycare there. I am iffy on putting my children in daycare. Well I will have someone watching my kids when I go to the class, but should I put them in the daycare at the gym for social reasons? I do have playdates with other kids to get them familiar with other children. Would it be good to do it or not?
Thanks and please no negative comments.

As long as your girls are not infants and are 1 year old or older and it is only for a couple of hours while you attend the class and not all day then it should be just fine. I am strongly against putting children in daycare all day long every day no matter how old they are, but I do believe in finding opportunities for young children to play in a group setting like play groups or toddler dance or music classes so they can learn social skills such as sharing, being kind to others, and playing and interacting with other children. I stay at home with my daughter and she goes to play groups, Sunday school at church, and toddler ballet class. She always has a great time and she learns a lot too! We do some sort of social activity 3 or 4 times a week. Ask the gym director to show you the daycare area and introduce you to the staff. Ask them about their policies for safety, dropping off and picking up your child, signing children in and out, schedule of activities, whether or not snacks and drinks are served and what types, routines for disinfecting and cleaning toys, and any other questions you might have. If the daycare area appears dirty, excessively messy or cluttered, or if you feel unsure about any part of the program or the staff then go with that instinct and find another source of childcare.

What kind of bathtub toys do you have?(for your kids lol)?


Just curious...when my son was an infant, I bought all the proper bath tub toys but now he drags in his trucks/cars and anything else that might tickle his fancy at the time. He is 2.
What kind of toys do your kids play with in the tub? And do you disinfect them regularly?(weekly?)

I just use rubbery duckies :-) I try not to make bath time so stimulating otherwise she will not sleep but play, but if she is in a cranky mood I will encourage her to play with her rubber duckies lol.

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