Monday, November 18, 2013

I have a nursing 2 mth old & a 2 yr old & I'm trying to loose 70 lbs. What diet can I do to loose the weight?

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Stressed o

It seems like between taking care of the kids needs and the house I don't have time to follow a plan were I have to count points or calories. I know I need to walk and exercise but is there something specific I can do? This belly and these thighs gots to go!

For diet I think weight watchers has a plan for nursing moms. You could look at that to get a basic idea of what sort of diet to follow. Another thing you can do is check your portion sizes. Especially with kids it is so easy to eat on the run and finish off your children's food and wind up consuming hundreds of extra calories without realizing it. If you eat standing up, in front of the TV, finish your kid's plate, etc, put a stop to all that. Look up the appropriate portion size for foods online and serve yourself using measuring cups and spoons for a week or two so you can get a feel for how much food constitutes a serving.

Also, what kind of food are you eating? Try to avoid the center of the grocery store and just buy food from the perimeter - ie no prepackaged food. What do you drink? Liquid calories are sneaky! Stick to water or unsweetened tea (herbal or decaf if your nurslings are sensitive to caffeine like my boy) with a bit of skim milk. Also, do you eat yogurt? The flavored kind is full of sugar. Try switching to plain (not vanilla) and stir in fruit or a bit of honey when you are ready to eat it. Low fat cottage cheese is a quick and easy nutritious food too. Is there a farmer's market near you? You could make shopping for fruits and veggies there an outing for the kids and then look up simple recipes that your toddler can help cook, or just steam what needs cooking and slice what can be eaten raw. Overall, think Michael Pollan: "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants."

For exercise, how is the weather where you are? Can you pop your babies into a sling or stroller and walk to the park or at least around the block? Do you have a wrap or sling? If so set your toddler up with some toys and tie on your infant and do squats, lunges, and crunches. Your baby's weight will add to the exercise. For that matter, try wearing your baby instead of using a bouncy seat or swing. Having that extra weight tied to you makes chores burn more calories! Are their any gyms in your area where you can bring your children? If so schedule work outs 2 or 3 times a week. Can you take them to a pool? If so get in the water and play with them. If someone else is with you and can watch your toddler try putting your infant in a float and using it kind of like a kick board.

Finally, your baby is 2 months old. Cut yourself some slack. The weight will come in time, especially since you are nursing. Just be mindful of what you eat and stay active.

Congratulations on your new baby and go you for tandem nursing!

What's a good portable bathtub for a 19mo old?

New Mom

We currently have the Summer Infant Newborn tub but our 19 mo old is getting to big for it (we do not have an actual bathtub in our house, only a large shower stall). Please let me know if you have any suggestions.

Well, my mom has the same problem, so when we visited her I would just put a washcloth/plug in the drain and watch the kids. Of course, it would probably be more fun to buy:

#1: A TOY/storage BIN (you know those big round ones from walmart) and fill it up, just like they did in the olden days. You could also by a hook-on shower hose, for easier tub filling and easier washing of kiddo. If the wash bin was small enough you could just stick it in the shower stall, (which saves you from mopping the bathroom floor later). She is just the right size for one of these!
#2: you could get a small HARD plastic kiddy/pet pool (we went with the "pet" one, due to space concerns) and put it on the bathroom or kitchen floor and let her splash in that. Then during the summer she could splash outside in it too. I admit to now using the one we have on the back porch, as a fun outside 'bath' on sunny days.

The upside of these, esp. the toy bin is that you could even put it on a towel on the kitchen floor and then it would be easier to watch her while you worked. When she outgrows the toy bin, you could actually use it for toys!

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