Thursday, April 17, 2014

Infant Teething right?

Kelli - Mo

My little four-month old has two white lumps on his lower gums and his gums are slightly swollen. Obviously I believe he's getting in his first little teeth. He's been screaming, drooling, has a ever so slight fever, has been chewing on his hands (and everyone else's hands he comes in contact with), etc. This sounds like teething, right?

So I've tried frozen bananas in a mesh feeder, teething tablets, cold water, and teething toys. Nothing has really seemed to help much. Any other ideas to help relieve pain a little? And has anyone else has children get teeth this young?

Thanks in advance!
I'm allergic to tylenol (I know, sucks right?). So we're not allowed to give him acetaminophen until he's more than 1 year old - just in case he's allergic as well.

My son is 5 months old and just got his bottom tooth. He has been teething for the past two months tho. It could be months from now until your little one's tooth actually breaks through. The only difference I noticed when it was actually about to break through was diarhhea. You can try a cold, frozen washcloth or towel. When my son was in a lot of pain, mostly at night when lying down when he couldnt get comfortable, I would give him tylenol...not all the time...only when it got really bad, for his sake. but you just have to ride it out, keep trying everything and if nothing works tylenol is the last resort. The first tooth is always the worst!

old methods of easing teething pains for infants?

Q. there is an over the counter drug that used to be recommended for teething babies that would numb the mouth and gums. i can't remember teh name of it but it was recommended up until sometime in the 80s. ideas?

Any pressure on the gums will help. The wet cloth works well, as do teething toys. I used a big thick carrot that my daughter chewed on. It was thick enough that she couldn't break pieces off, and cold and smooth.

My own mother used paregoric, and didn't understand why I didn't use it. It's an opium derivative. I wouldn't use ora-gel or whiskey, either.

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