Saturday, April 19, 2014

How to safely clean plastic and electric children's toys?

Carolyn L

I have some old, gently used toys that I used to play with from my attic. I want to use them with the kids I will be working with in First Steps, but I would like to clean them first to get the dust and germs off. What is a safe way to clean them? I will be working with infants and toddlers, so I don't want anything that may harm them. What products should I use to make these items safe and clean? Some are electronic (battery-operated, make noises, etc.) and others are plastic.

For plastic toys I tend to use clorox wipes. If you think that is to strong you can always then wipe them down with a damp cloth or toweling. You'll want to keep liquid away from any speaker if the toy has one. You either clean carefully around it or disassemble the toy (if possible) and clean the outer shell.

What is the best way to clean soft baby toys?


Just wondering, what do you find is the best way to clean those soft cloth baby toys that have crinkles or noise makers inside, so you can't put them in the washing machine?

I used to work in an infant room in a daycare center and DHS regulations had us spray the toys with diluted bleach...take a clean spray bottle and fill it full of water then add one table spoon of bleach to it. Spray the toys over the sink and let air dry. If there are stains on them you are trying to remove, you can simply take a little bit of laundry detergent and rub it on the stain and then rinse it.

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