Sunday, November 10, 2013

what is on my babys skin?

best infant toys for 2011
 on Taf Toys Developmental Walker - Best Baby Toy Over � ... | 2011 WINNE ...
best infant toys for 2011 image


everything happend since last october in 2011 he stardee with what looked like two bites realy close together than more starded popin out thats when i new it wasnt a mosquito or something normal ther first bump seemed hot to the touch and the skin around it got realy hard later oh and they are itchy he cryes of how ichy they got so me and my hubby figured it was bed bugs we cleaned my room out and got rid of the bed wich was about a year old when we realyzed if it was bed bugs it would of bit him or me but nothing not even one on me or him and this is weird since my son sleeps with us a month passes and they get worse we took him to the doctor and he was like is aunt bites we go home another month same thing exept now there spreading to his cheeks when i take him to the doctor again she says it looks like scabies gives me medicine one weeks worth he starts clearing up and stops scraching but as soon as the medicine ends they come back hes itching again same deal proscrived it again gone than return bumps when she tells me too much medicine is bad for him so proscives something less harsh but hes back to itchy bumps they are on his legs his arms his back on his scalp and on his cheeks i feel so bad his skin is full of bums and since he scraches he is scaring realy bad i cut his nails and put ointment on him but he still maneges to take out blood i dono what to do any more i reserched like crazy but i dont know what it can be and me and my hubby still nothing on us im so woried he has been itchy for a 6 months now and it must be horrible for him plz most points to anyone who can open my eyes to something....anything

If the treatments aren't working, he could have an allergy to something in the house or in his diet. Ask your pediatrician to do a blood test for common food and environmental allergies. It's the least uncomfortable method for infants, especially ones who are already spotty and rashy.

While you wait for his test and results, try switching to dye and perfume free laundry soaps and wash everything that touches his skin in hot water and the new soap (even his plushy toys!). If you have carpeting, toss a clean sheet over where he plays so he doesn't touch it (lots of nasty things in carpeting that can cause rashes), and if you have small rugs he touches, wash them in the machine too. If you have pets, keep them out of his sleeping room, and keep them away from his skin as much as you can. This should remove any allergens that he's rolling around in. As for food allergies, it's best to just wait for the test results since it's hard to do a "test to see" elimination diet with an infant.

Why are San Fran Liberals wanting to Ban Male Circumcision?


The Board of Supervisors just banned toys in Happy Meals, which drew worldwide attention.

Now the latest ban being proposed in San Francisco is on male circumcision.

A proposed ballot measure for the November 2011 ballot – when voters will be electing the San Francisco’s next mayor – would amend The City’s police code “to make it a misdemeanor to circumcise, excise, cut or mutilate the foreskin, testicle or penis of another person who has not attained the age of 18.”

Doing so would result in a fine of up to $1,000 and up to one year in jail, according to the proposed measure submitted to the Department of Elections.
Are they seriously mentally challenged? Do they not know the serious Health risks of Not getting Circumcised?

Did it occur to you that it just might be the conservatives that don't want their tax dollars and insurance premiums being wasted on an unnecessary elective surgery?

And what "serious health risks" result from not being "circumcised"?
Have you ever heard of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)? Pretty scary to new parents. It kills about 120 infants each year in the US. Well, "circumcision" kills about that same number of boys in the US each year. Add to that many boys will find that their equipment has been ruined by the amputation, instances where the glans has been amputated along with the foreskin, where the penis is badly damaged by infections after the surgery. Why do the European nations that do not mutilate their baby boys have better health stats than the US for all the baby maiming that is done here?

The only real risk is to the "doctors" that depend on easy income to pay for their Porches, they may have to get side jobs to make the payments, I would suggest they apply for Wal-Mart Greeter.

Do you know how morris and wiswell (your sources) come up with their numbers that show a benefit from male genital mutilation? When a boy is examined prior to surgery the "doctor" might determine that there is a problem with the penis so the child is deemed to be "not a good candidate for surgery" then when the "study" was performed these surgery rejects were included in the "uncircumcised" group and guess what; the "uncircumcised" boys had more infections and other problems than the mutilated boys had. Because the group also included the boys that the doctors would not operate on because they had other problems with their penises.

Even if you finish last in the class they still call you doctor.

Male infant or child genital mutilation is a human rights violation.

Should this measure actually make it to the ballot, some of my Mid-West conservative dollars will be sent that way to support it.

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