Saturday, November 16, 2013

What are the best places to visit in Disney World?

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Sara Reyn

For my daughter's 5th birthday me and 2 of my friends are taking her to Disney World. What do you find to be the must see attractions for a 5 year old girl who loves the princesses and animals? Any tips, tricks, or specials that you know of please let me know. We will only be there from Thursday (evening)-Monday (evening). Anything that will make this the best birthday for her!


Splash Mountain: Skip it. For some reason, the line is always horridly long. The ride itself lasts over ten minutes, but I really can't remember why we even fastpassed it.

Pirates of the Caribbean: It's an outdated ride and doesn't have a plot, but seems like it should; it isn't for 2-year-olds anyway. Skip it.

Walt Disney's Carousel of Progress: Young ones can get restless. It's pretty dry, but it can be interesting for adults to see the kind of animatronics Walt Disney used.

The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh: Do it. It puts you directly into the middle of the Winnie the Pooh stories, and is especially great for younger children.

Peter Pan's Flight: Do it. Very cool effect-- feels like you are, indeed, flying.

You can meet most of the Disney princesses at Magic Kingdom. You can also meet the Disney Fairies there.


The Great Movie Ride: Skip it (unless she's one of the brave ones). It can be a little creepy for young children.

Toy Story Mania: Do it. So fun-- it's a 4-D carnival-style video game ride. Fastpass it if you can.

Tower of Terror: Skip it. Not for young children.

Star Tours: Do it if you're a Star Wars fan.

Studio Backlot Tour: Do it if you like Disney movies. Teens and adults find it more interesting than kids, but it's very neat. It's a tram ride that takes you to see real costumes and props worn and used in Disney films. You can take pictures.


Soarin': Do it. Feels like you're flying. You feel the wind and smell the oranges as you pass over the grove.

Test Track: Do it. Some sharp turns in there, but it's a fun, fast-paced ride.

The Seas with Nemo and Friends: Do it. Visually beautiful ride.

Turtle Talk with Crush: Do it. It's an interactive show where Crush talks with the audience.

You can also see many Disney princesses at Epcot.


Dinosaur: Skip it unless you think she'd like the dinosaur animatronics. A T-Rex comes chasing after you, but it can be fun as long as you remind yourself it isn't real, haha.

Kilimanjaro Safaris: Do it. It's the tram ride where you get to see the African animals-- it's so cool to see them up close.

Affection Section: Do it, since she likes animals. It's a petting zoo.

Extra tips:

You definitely want to make the most of the trip, so I definitely suggest arriving as soon as possible-- when they open, if you can. If you get there when they open, you have time to fastpass the rides you want. If you do get there early, you may want to trek over to the other side of the park and work your way towards the front-- this allows you to ride rides against the flow of the masses (when you're at the back of the park when they open, there won't be many people crowding the rides in that area at that time.
Note: Disney's fastpass service is undeniably awesome. IT'S FREE, too. The most popular rides will offer the fastpass service (it essentially allows you to skip a great deal of the line). Read about fastpasses here:

Since there she's young, you may want to visit a "less-interesting" show if she gets a little tired and worn during the afternoon. Most daytime shows are 20-30 minutes long, so they make for good naptime interludes for infants and toddlers.

Wish you the best. Have a great time!

What should I get for a baby shower gift?

Brisly N

One of my good friends just had a baby girl and we are having the baby shower soon. What should I get her and the baby?? Anyone have any interesting and creative ideas?? Thanks!

some things i loved that i didn't get:
a couple 'swaddle me's and a 'snuzzler' by kiddopotamus; i know babies r us has them for ten bucks a piece
depends really on your price range....check her registry too...
skip hop makes great diaper bags
if she has a changing table, get her a prince lionheart hang on diaper depot and wipes warmer to match; i dont' care what others say, ours works great, wipes are warm still when they get to baby's bottom and they do seem to appreciate it, esp as nbs
a baby bjorn with lumbar support; my dd is 8 mos old and loves hers and will still sleep in it if she gets tired, so it must be comfortable
if shes formula feeding, a 'dr brown's formula pitcher'; there is no shaking involved, so no foam or bubbles to put gas in baby's belly and u can make a whole day's worth at one time....
a boppy with a couple cotton covers, the soft ones don't fit as well for some reason....they can be used for feeding, resting tired arms when holding a baby, when baby gets older, to help him sit up, and for him to lean over for tummy time...they are great!
i love my diaper genie 2; ppl complain that they smell, but ours never has and my dd is on two solid meals a day as well as her milk...we use the dg for poopies only so sometimes there are some in there for a while and they still don't stink; refills are only five dollars at walmart....
she will probably get a ton of clothes and blankets, socks and such
a great thing! nobody thinks of, bc i figured it out myself....a lingerie bag for washing socks, hand mitts and other small things to keep from getting lost in the wash...
a pack of soothie brand passys, funny looking, but all a lot of babies will take including mine and they have no parts to break and are easy to clean....
if u know her well enough to know about her dig cam, get her a big memory card for all her pics....
some sleepsacks for when baby is older...
diapers if you know what kind she likes....they are always a good choice
i love my primo euro baby is marvelous!!!
a lamaze brand baby mirror with the wedge instead of the little frame stands....hard for baby to knock over and covered in high contrast colors, my dd used to play with the wedge by itself as well as with the mirror
the mirror to go in the car so she can see baby from her rearview mirror
a 'mosquito' or 'weather' mesh cover to go over infant carrier; it's easy to see through, take on and off, and strangers can't just walk up and touch baby, and THEY WILL, who knows why, but they do!
if u get the bathtub, or a bathtub, fill it with bath stuff..towels, washclothes, baby soap, lotion, hairbrush, comb, health kit with thermometer, nasal bulb, clippers, toys for tub, toy holder for tub side...etc...
buy her some baby board books to read to her baby and in an few mos, baby will be trying to turn pages for mom, and they can take a lot of slobber
bibs, a variety, some cutesy for going out, some with waterproof backing, some of the thick terry cloth that pull over the head, i love bumpkins for feeding, etc....and you could buy a sippy cup or two, some soft small infant spoons and bowls, etc...
just pick a theme and go with it would be fun....there is sooo much
oh, and my dd is almost 9 mos and she still LOVES her womb bear, it plays a heartbeat with blood pulsing sound, brus has all this stuff and walmart has some of it.....maybe some baby einstein or other cd lullabies and a small cd player for baby's room, buy some classical music...etc..
i know it's a book , but i love these things...also
'what to expect the first year' was a very helpful book for me and my hub and it's a great reference when you have a question.................
buy her some nice rounded baby hangers and some with clips to keep outfits together....i needed so many of those it was unbelievable...
don't buy any clothes bigger than 0/3 bc depending on size and shape of baby they may not fit in the right season; my gal was 7, 6; but long and lean, so she wore nb and 0/3 forever; she had a lot of 3/6 outfits that were too cold to wear by the time she fit in them
a gift card to the store she is registered or a nearby baby store is also great, bc she can get whatever she still needs after the shower
my dd loved her bouncy seat, but has gotten a lot more mileage out of her rainforest jumperoo; she still bounces in it like a wild monkey and she's still on the lowest settting (she is petite though), but she loves that thing to death...ok, i will stop now..if you have any questions email me....i love to shop, can you tell?

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