best infant toys 6-9 months image
I have no idea where to begin.. or end, for that matter.
I went to babies r us and Target. At first I wasn't going to go to babies r us, but it is amazing how much more they have than Target.
First do not register for any cute clothes. That is what most people will buy you so why register and get more outfits than you will know what to do with.
Here are some things for your registry
Bottles -even if you are breastfeeding put dowm some bottles just in case.
Bottle brush cleaner
Bottle drying rack
play mat
some toys
infant tub
hooded towels
baby bath soap- johnsons or aveeno - I love aveeno
diapers- i wouldn't put tons of size 1 or 2 (maybe 2 boxes of each and I never bought newborn diapers)
stroller and carseat- put down for an extra base if you have more than one car
blankets- i got tons of these but you never know if you will get a lot or not
sleepers, gowns
onesies ( 0-3 months, 3-6 months, 6-9 months
high chair ( personally I love the Fisher Price Space Saver)
changing table not a necessity but I love mine for changing and storage
baby medicine like mylicon drops, fever reducer
That is all I can think of for now. Good luck
I went to babies r us and Target. At first I wasn't going to go to babies r us, but it is amazing how much more they have than Target.
First do not register for any cute clothes. That is what most people will buy you so why register and get more outfits than you will know what to do with.
Here are some things for your registry
Bottles -even if you are breastfeeding put dowm some bottles just in case.
Bottle brush cleaner
Bottle drying rack
play mat
some toys
infant tub
hooded towels
baby bath soap- johnsons or aveeno - I love aveeno
diapers- i wouldn't put tons of size 1 or 2 (maybe 2 boxes of each and I never bought newborn diapers)
stroller and carseat- put down for an extra base if you have more than one car
blankets- i got tons of these but you never know if you will get a lot or not
sleepers, gowns
onesies ( 0-3 months, 3-6 months, 6-9 months
high chair ( personally I love the Fisher Price Space Saver)
changing table not a necessity but I love mine for changing and storage
baby medicine like mylicon drops, fever reducer
That is all I can think of for now. Good luck
my baby is a premie but I think she may be teething?
She was born 13 wks early is now 10 1/2 wks old and tonight she won't eat. She's constantly crying, screaming her head off unless I put an ice cold washcloth on it and her gums look like teeth indentions. I didnt think babies started to teeth until they were 6-9 mo. old. Plz help. How can I get her to eat? Make her formula cold?
When a baby begins teething, there is no set pattern on when it will begin, how long it will take and how painful it will be. For one baby cutting a tooth might happen overnight without pain, while another child might have to go through a long, drawn out and painful experience.
You may sometimes visibly see a rise or lump in the gum for several weeks, while sometimes there may be no visible clue at all until the tooth actually appears.The process of teething often follows hereditary patterns, so if the mother and father teethed early or late, your baby may follow the same pattern. On average the first tooth comes in during the seventh month, although it can arrive as early as three months, as late as a year, or in rare cases even earlier or later.
There are several things that you can try to help ease the pain of teething; some work and some don’t, but most parents agree they’re always worth a try. Teething rings, water filled and chilled rubber teething toys; mom and dads fingers can all provide counter pressure that can sometimes bring relief. Offering your baby a cold bottle of water can also help. If sucking on the bottle bothers your child, offer a cold cup of water. The water can also help replenish your baby’s fluid if they’re drooling a lot or have loose bowel movements.
Cold food has also been found to be helpful by some parents. Chilled applesauce, yogurt and pureed peaches may be more appealing to your baby and also more nutritious than a chilled teething ring.
When nothing else helps, you can also turn to the Infant Tylenol. Before giving your child Infant Tylenol (acetaminophen) always check with your doctor first. Your doctor will tell you if it’s all right and what the proper amount is to give your baby. Baby Orajel and other teething pain medicines that are applied to the gums can also provide some relief. Some parents say the Baby Orajel type products work great, while other parents will say it doesn’t. Also check with your doctor before giving this type of over the counter pain reliever to your baby.
The teething process will come and go just like so many other things with new babies. Keep trying different things until you find what provides the best relief for your child.
Before trying any of the suggestions listed above or any other type of home remedy it is highly recommended that you contact your pediatrician first. You should follow your pediatricians advise first before trying anything mentioned on this site or on any other site. Your child's doctor knows what is best for your child.
When a baby begins teething, there is no set pattern on when it will begin, how long it will take and how painful it will be. For one baby cutting a tooth might happen overnight without pain, while another child might have to go through a long, drawn out and painful experience.
You may sometimes visibly see a rise or lump in the gum for several weeks, while sometimes there may be no visible clue at all until the tooth actually appears.The process of teething often follows hereditary patterns, so if the mother and father teethed early or late, your baby may follow the same pattern. On average the first tooth comes in during the seventh month, although it can arrive as early as three months, as late as a year, or in rare cases even earlier or later.
There are several things that you can try to help ease the pain of teething; some work and some don’t, but most parents agree they’re always worth a try. Teething rings, water filled and chilled rubber teething toys; mom and dads fingers can all provide counter pressure that can sometimes bring relief. Offering your baby a cold bottle of water can also help. If sucking on the bottle bothers your child, offer a cold cup of water. The water can also help replenish your baby’s fluid if they’re drooling a lot or have loose bowel movements.
Cold food has also been found to be helpful by some parents. Chilled applesauce, yogurt and pureed peaches may be more appealing to your baby and also more nutritious than a chilled teething ring.
When nothing else helps, you can also turn to the Infant Tylenol. Before giving your child Infant Tylenol (acetaminophen) always check with your doctor first. Your doctor will tell you if it’s all right and what the proper amount is to give your baby. Baby Orajel and other teething pain medicines that are applied to the gums can also provide some relief. Some parents say the Baby Orajel type products work great, while other parents will say it doesn’t. Also check with your doctor before giving this type of over the counter pain reliever to your baby.
The teething process will come and go just like so many other things with new babies. Keep trying different things until you find what provides the best relief for your child.
Before trying any of the suggestions listed above or any other type of home remedy it is highly recommended that you contact your pediatrician first. You should follow your pediatricians advise first before trying anything mentioned on this site or on any other site. Your child's doctor knows what is best for your child.
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