Thursday, October 24, 2013

How do I create a title tag?

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The title tag is located at the topmost part of your website's code.

Here's an example of a title tag from --it is placed after the <html><head> codes of your site

<title>Welcome to Target</title>
<META name="description" content="Expect More, Pay Less at, the official Target online retail site. Shop the latest in Women, Men, Baby, Kids, Home, Bed+Bath, Furniture, Sports, Toys, Electronics, Health and See All. Check out current deals and promotions, and the Weekly Ad, too.">

There are a number of websites that can help you create your metatags including title tag. Here are examples

The title tag is very important -- it needs to have the right keywords that you want to rank high in the search engines while keeping the balance of allowing users to know at first glance what the site is all about. Google in fact uses the title tags in their search engine listings

For example, here's the #1 site that ranks for the keyword "family facts" -- note that the site's title tag contains this very same phrase


Family Facts: Social Science Research on Family, Society & Religion
Sponsored by the Heritage Foundation, this site presents findings on the family, society and religion from peer-reviewed journals, books and government ...


<title>Family Facts: Social Science Research on Family, Society & Religion</title>

Search engines will pick up your title tags so think carefully of how you will phrase your title tag in such a way that it will have the right combination of keywords you want to rank for your site in the search engines

I need help teaching my daughter to fall asleep on her own and staying asleep all night?


My daughter is 12 mos, I used to nurse her back to sleep, but learned how it was a bad habit so I stopped, but she still cant fall asleep without me rocking her to sleep or singing to her. Once i finally get her to sleep, she wakes up every 2-3 hours to make sure im still there. She will sleep in her crib for a while, but wake up and stand up and scream and call for me. So i usually get up and rock her back to sleep and put her back in her crib. She has only slept in her crib throughout the night, without waking up, once in her lifetime! its so frustrating.. Any good advice?

Sounds exactly like my own daughter!

Your daughter is in her separation anxiety phase, so it is normal for her to wake up more often and to wonder where did Mommy disappear and why she is all alone in hte dark

Add teething to that anxiety, and you know why she is waking up more often!


First things first:

Before sleeping well at night, she needs to sleep well during the day.

At night you might want to try:



-Collation (sometimes baby are hungry and it wakes them up, banana or yogourt fill their stomach!)

-Book,couple of songs

Caillou book : Time for Bed is the most wonderful thing as your baby will relate to Caillou going to bed. And the illustrations ar wonderful.

-Review her day with her, and end by telling her it is time to sleep, that her (name each of her favorite toys/friends) are sleeping

And you can tell her : Caillou is sleeping too

-Tell her you will rock her and that after that you will put her in her bed

-Put baby in the bed while awake but sleepy

-Always use the same words when you put her in her bed

(ex: Sweet dreams honey, Mommy is there, Daddy is there, you can sleep now)

She will cry and protest loudly but will finally fall asleep on her own.

If Daddy can do the sleep routine the first few days, it will help her dissociate your presence from falling asleep.

When she wakes up during the night,go quickly to reassure her (once she gets that you havent disappear, she willl needs less and less to wake up to confirm you are still existing)

It is very important since she is in her anxiety separation stage.

If you are tired, it's OK to bring her to your bed. Both of you will sleep.


Start by doing it for the naps first, when you are less tired and have more will power to endure.

Do not worry if one day or one week you dont have the energy to deal with that, you'll do it another day

It is very very important that you can get some sleep, so try taking naps when she is sleeping.

You wont be able to cope without sleep


Separation anxiety is a very difficult stage for the mom, but once your baby grow out of it, you know that she will be an happy,secure baby that has integrated that her mommy is there for her.

It is the base for a good self-esteem and internal security, feeling of being loved and protected

Your daughter is 12 months, so this phase will soon start to decrease.

One day, you will be surprise to see that she has not awake as much, and that she is sleeping almost all night long.

It will come sooner that you expected

For more info on the separation anxiety stage, see my answer there:;_ylt=Asn41kKk9IBQ_LO7szkCx.J.7hR.?qid=20070522181229AADHlA2

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