Saturday, September 14, 2013

What type of cat breed should I own?

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My cat, Joy, passed away about a month or so ago from a heart attack or a stroke, and we have buried her. We do NOT plan to get a cat anytime soon, maybe around December for my brother (He took it the hardest.). We already have two other cats, which are both ragdoll males.

We can't get a dog because fleas are really common in the area where we live and they're even on our cats now (Indoor cats, seriously!), so owning an outside animal would just cause more mess to it all.

But any suggestions to cats? My brother said he would love another cat in a few months. We were actually planning on another animal before she passed away, so definitely not trying to replace her! She's always going to hold a special place in our hearts, and we're a bit concerned with getting another ragdoll. I figure it would just remind us of her too much, so any other breeds that mix well with Ragdolls?

Hopefully I can update you guys if you're curious if we get another cat in the end. We're just CONSIDERING it, and we have been for two months now, I promise we won't get another cat until everybody is perfectly ready so just please do not judge our family on that. We still check on Joy's grave every day, she's not replaceable, trust me aha

Danielle - it is always difficult to lose a much loved pet. I am 60 years old and have had pets (mostly cats) for as long as I can remember. Over a period of 4 years I lost 4 cats and one dog. All very old. When my 3rd cat died 08/2011 I knew that my 22 year old baby would not live much longer. I started looking for a kitten. On Oct. 1st I visited my sister. A feral cat had a litter of 6 kittens in her flower bed. They were 7 to 10 days old. Their eyes were just open. I told Sis that I would take the 2 females when they were old enough. 4 days later Sis called me. The mom had abandoned a male and a female. I showed up the next morning to pick them up. The little male had not survived the night. I brought the baby girl home and named her Sallie Sue. She only weighed 3 1/2 ounces. She should have weighed 7 to 8 ounces. I bottle fed her every 4 hours 24/7 for 5 weeks. My old lady, Patches died in February 2012. Again I started looking for kitten. In April I adopted an adorable calico from a friend who had farm cats. He said she was 6 weeks old. As soon as I saw her I knew that she was no more than 4 weeks old, So bottle feeding for 2 weeks. Her name is Daisy Faye.

My adorable girls can never replace my other cats. All of my animals were raised from babies. Having said that I can't live without cats in my life. My 2 girls have very different personalities and keep us laughing.

Back to your question. In all of my years I have had only one breed animal. In the early 80's I gave my husband a black lab for his birthday. All of my other animals - all cats except for 1 dog were, strays, abandoned, shelter animals or kittens from farm cats. I have always wanted an Abyssinian but could never justify buying a breed cat when there are so many unwanted cats out there. They are just as beautiful and loving and have as much personality as any breed. They are also very hard to find homes for.

I am not being critical of folks who prefer breed cats. I still dream of having an aby. It will probably never happen because some one will show up with a non breed kitten needing a loving home and my soft heart will melt and I will add another stray to my menagerie.

Since your brother was the most impacted by the loss of Joy let him pick out a new kitten. Shop both ways. Show him breeds on line then take him to the animal shelter or Pet Smart/Pet Co on Saturdays when they have the rescue groups showing their adoptable animals. Let him fall in love with a kitten.

I avoid Pet Smart and Pet Co unless we are going out of town and I have to get dry food for our girls. I can not resist the rescue kittens and have to fight with myself not to turn into a crazy cat lady. Our friends are always surprised at what a sucker my husband is for our girls. He is a big man's man who hunts and fishes. They see him as a dog kind of guy. Our friends can not get over what a softy he is for our girls.

Sorry - I do tend to ramble. Follow you heart. Let your brother pick a kitten - breed or non breed does not matter. The older cats will torment the baby for a few days. Don't worry they will get over it. When Sallie Sue was old enough and healthy enough to roam she tormented my old lady Patches. Poor old girl just ignored her. When Daisy Faye joined our family Sallie Sue was not happy. She hissed and swatted at the baby for about 2 days then she realized that she had a new toy. In July I baby sat a 7 week old kitten. Both of my girls were initially offended. Sallie settled down after a day. Daisy tormented the baby for 3 days. After that they were inseparable. They played chase and hide and seek. After a week the baby went home. Daisy moped around looking for her for another week.

Oh well. No matter which way you go you will make the right decision.

Good luck

I am making a baby book for my daughter instead of buying one?


I need to know what pages and what is on each page.
I have:
baby shower
@ the hospital & labor
month by months
what else do i need?

Footprints and handprints, first schoolwork, first artwork, height, weight, first haircut and a lock of the hair, first steps, first day at school, a scrap of one of her first outfits, baby toys that she had, first time playing in the snow, first time interacting with other kids.

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