Wednesday, September 11, 2013

How do you go about sampling kids and baby products like strollers and electronics etc?

best baby toys reviews
 on Baby Toys
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Christen T

I see ppl on the internet getting to try out big products like strollers and riding toys etc totally free and just have to write a review on hte products and get to keep them. Anyone do that for totally free without buying a membership somewhere or somewhere with a cheap membership that actually works? I'm interested in doing this but IDK any legit places to go to do it and I'm leary about buying memberships. Thanks

You have to live in a major city then look up Market Research firms, then call them to see if they conduct focus groups and are accepting applications for new participants

I used to be signed up to an agency in NYC but in 5 years only participated in 2 groups as they have a database of thousands of people and look for very specific demographics for each group

I had one that was for athletic shoes. We didn't know in advance what the group was (you rarely do) but about 50 people were invited in and asked to fill out a questionnaire with our age, ethnicity, income level, education level then it had a lot of questions about our exercise routines, which sports shoes we had bought before, gym membership, etc. We then turned the applications in, waited about an hour, then they called 10 of us to participate in the group and the other 40 were sent home.

We were then put in a room with a two-way mirror and talked about why we chose particular brands of cross trainers - the fit, style, performance, name brand, price, advertising campaigns, celebrity/athlete endorsement, recommendation from a store employee/personal trainer/friend/family member, etc. Then we were told to give our size and they mailed us a pair of plain white shoes with no logos. We had to wear them working out for 2 weeks then were invited back to give feedback

I did another group where we tried flavors of a new drink (like Snapple -- in fact it might have been Snapple but you never know the company name that's running the group). For that one we didn't get to keep anything. We were just paid about $50 to taste various cups with letters on them, choose which of the 4 versions we liked best, guess what the flavor was supposed to be, if we thought it was too sweet or not sweet enough, if we would ever buy it, if we would recommend to friends, etc

A friend got to do one for facial self tanners where she got a free tube of self tan for face to try out and give her feedback

How do i train my beagle to ignore other dogs when we go for a walk?


I have a beagle named Baby Jane (B.J. for short). When we go for walks she will walk perfectly by my side, but as soon as she hears a dog barking or if she sees a dog she will completely stop walking by my side and she will start getting jumpy and does not want to go anywhere at all. What can i do to make her completely ignore the other dogs?

Teach her the command "Leave it." This is a very useful command that is easy to learn. Anything that has your dog's attention will learned to be ignored and focused on you once this command is taught well enough.

To train my dog this command, I had her on a leash and was kneeling by her. I would drop a treat, and say leave it, and tug on her leash. Once she moves away from the treat or focuses her attention on you, give her another treat in your hand a throw a party, like they are the best dog in the world. Once you do this enough times, the dog will begin to understand that it needs its attention on you, so you will be able to drop a treat and the dog's eyes will never leave yours.

Once you have taught the command with treats, try it with toys. Once the dog has learned that whenever you say leave it, you want their attention. Now. After you have succeeded with toys, try going for a walk. If your dog does not succeed with the leave it command for other dogs, go back to the basics and work your way up.

Another solution in addition to "leave it" is a pinch collar. I reccomend this to many training problems, and is available a most veterinarian offices. If you do not know, a pinch collar is a collar that will pinch her skin if she pulls away or if you want her to pay attention to you. It's completely harmless, it feels just as if their mother's teeth are gave a grasp on them. I have even tested it myself, if you put the collar around your wrist and tug, it'll only leave marks such as a dog nip. Be sure you learn to use it beforehand, though. Good luck.

A useful website:

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