Friday, September 13, 2013

Does putting foil in the places you dont want kitty to go really work?

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Has anyone tried this, if so...did it work? And does it continue to work after you take the foil away

I have 2 kitties I need to keep out of my infants crib at night! Please let me know what your experience was with this.

I do have a monitor. But it being almost winter, I dont want to shut the door, it'll get way too cool in there without the nursery door kept open.

our cats think foil is a special toy designed just for them, we've always used contact paper. since its clear, they never know if its up there or not, and would rather not relive their first experience with it! congrats on the baby, and good luck!

Calling All Parents: Do you have any tips for moms of multiples?

Q. Are there any tips, suggestions or websites to help a mom with multiples get organized and stay organized? I'm also talking schedules, diapering, bottles, formula, cribs, toys, games, decorating a room, organization, swings, bouncy seats etc. I'm asking all parents out there for any help you can give. Thank you.

I don't have kids, so I can't offer first hand advice from a parent's perspective. However, I've worked in a hospital with multiple patients, and in daycare's with infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. The key to organization is routine and systems. The kids will learn fast. Set up records and put them by their cribs, change table, and in the kitchen. Document when they sleep, get changed, and eat. That way you can assure you aren't feeding one twice and changing only one. As far as toys and games, don't go too crazy right away. You will accumulate stuff. I know in the childcare settings I've worked that kids tend to gravitate towards their favorite few toys anyway, no matter how many you provide for options.
Good luck! Are you having twins, triplets?

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