Tuesday, September 10, 2013

My son's lead level was 5.0. The doctor advised me to get rid of all toys that were made in China?

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My son is 18 months old, I don't want to expose him to lead. How to I determine what is safe and not safe. Having doing an inventory of his toys, the majority have been made in China. HELP!

Every responsible parent knows to keep cabinet doors locked so that young ones don't have access to dangerous chemicals, but what about lead, a toxin found in many common children's toys? How do you know if your child's toys contain lead and what can you do to minimize their risk of exposure to this harmful substance?

Lead is a toxic metal that can have devastating effects on the mental and physical development of children. The brain and nervous system of children younger than six years old are the most at risk for lead poisoning. Even low exposure levels can produce damaging effects ranging from impaired growth and hearing, to problems with posture and behavior.

High levels of lead exposure can cause deafness, blindness, convulsions, or in rare instances, even death. Even without severe effects, children exposed to lead are more likely to experience difficulties with reading and vocabulary, attention and focus, and fine-motor coordination.

So how does lead make its way into the products that consumers buy for children? Lead is used in manufacturing in paint and plastic used to make children's toys. Paint used in houses, on products sold for children, and on dishes has been banned from containing lead in the United States since 1978, but this regulation has not reached some countries that still export products to the US.

In those countries it is still legal to utilize lead in the production of plastic, even when the plastic is used to make children's toys. The lead acts as a softener to make plastic more flexible, which allows it to return to its original shape. The breakdown of the chemical bond between lead and these plastics forms lead dust, a known health hazard.

You can visit your State Department of Health's Lead Hazard Product Recall Website for information concerning toy recalls. You will also find a comprehensive list at the US Consumer Product Safety Commission website.

There are home testing kits offered that are designed to test household items, toys, soil, and dust for lead content, but these do-it-yourself kits are not recommended as reliable by The State Department of Health and the Federal Environmental Protection Agency.

Lead screening can help identify children with blood lead levels that may be dangerous. Infants that play with older toys (antique toys, toys passed down through generations, or toys made before the ban on paint with lead) and toys made in other countries may be at greater risk.

Before you buy new or used baby toys, make sure the toys that you intend to purchase do not appear on the recall list. You can even do some research about the country in which the toy is manufactured. Some stores now have information on file compiled to trace the country of origin for the toys that they sell.

You can also inspect toys that your child already plays with for chipping and peeling paint, the number one source for lead poisoning in children. Be careful when choosing colorful jewelry and toys, especially those imported from other countries.

Keeping your baby safe is a parent's primary concern. Baby Toys Galore offers a huge selection of developmental and just-for-fun toys for baby, including many made with organic products. Baby Toys Galore encourages parents and grandparents to keep baby safe by staying informed.

How much should I feed Tender Golden Sweet Potatoes (Beech-Nut) to a baby?


The baby is 6 months now; This is the first time she'll be eating solids.
So I just got this sweet potatoes from Beech-Nut, and I'd like to know how much should the baby have each day.. I've searched a lot, but never found an answer.

If you know the answer to my question, please help me out.

Thanks much.

You should start with 1 tablespoon and watch for problems...then you can increase with your baby's appetite. Here is a guideline that I was given from a friend who got it from a naturopath. You can also offer small amounts of water between feedings (not more than 1-2oz)

The guideline says to start with 1tbs of new food, and introduce no more than 1 new food every 3 days. Watch for reactions such as irritability, rashes, constipation, diarrhea, colic, gas, runny nose and watery eyes. Solid food should always follow breast milk as this is sill your infant's main protein source.

Foods to introduce at 6 months include...
Carrots, yams, apples, peas, sweet potatoes, prunes, blueberries, apricots, squash, peaches and plums. All food should be cooked and blended and filtered water should be offered.

9 months
Green beans, cherries, blackberries, grapes, rice, kiwi, pears, papaya, banana, avocado, spinach, swiss chard, asparagus, potatoes, artichoke and millet.
Again all food cooked except for bananas and avocados and blended.

12 months
Oatmeal (blended), honey, molasses, broccoli, cauliflower, barley, onions (well cooked), nut milks, garlic (well cooked), ground flax seeds, organic goat cheese, orgnaic goat yogurt, cucumber, sprouted beans/legumes and tahini.

18 months
organic poultry, fish (salmon/tuna), tomatoes, turnip, eggplant, parsnips, peppers, buckwheat, mushrooms, chickpeas, sprouted wheat, organic lamb, organic yogurt, kelp, rye,corn and oranges.

21 months
orgnaic cheese, organic eggs, organic wheat, lentils and all beans.

2 years
All other foods.

EDIT: It is also very important that you breastfeed or formula feed BEFORE you give the solid foods. A baby's main source of nutition under the age of 12 months should be the breast milk or formula, as this is their main souce of protein, and protein is very important in growth and development. The solid foods are simply a toy, an activity, something for them to learn, not a source of nutrition. If they eat the solid food first, then they don't have room for the milk/formula and run the risk of malnutrition. If you formula/breast feed first and then off the solid 30min-60min later, this will ensure they get the most important part first.

Best of luck!

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