Sunday, August 25, 2013

what type of bath tub shoudl I use for my 8 mth old?

best infant bath toys
 on slideshow-best-bath-toys-munchkin-baby-bath-ball.jpg
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My daughter is sitting now and it's so difficult to bathe her in the normal infant bath tub, can anyone pls suggest or recommend a brand / type with a seat .Thanks!

I have the Fischer Price aquarium bath tub for my son. He is now 8 months old and this tub transforms to fit a baby anywher from newborn to toddler. Once they are able to sit on there own you can just fill it up and sit them in there without the netting. When they are little you keep the net up and then you can have the net half on half off when they are a little older and then eventually they can just sit in there on their own. I like it bc it comes with toys, one is even attached to the tub so its always their for them to play with. Its small enough to fit in the tub or you can fill it and bathe them anywhere. It's convenient and not that expensive I believe we purchased ours at Target for about $30. Good luck!

What age did you move your kiddo from the baby bath to the real bath?

Rose Arizo

My 16-month old still uses the infant-toddler bath, and I like it because it contains him a little better, it's cleaner, and doesn't use as much water. He seems like he's getting a little cramped though, so I'm just wondering at what age others transfer to the big tub for baths.

This is a preference thing much more than anything else. As soon as you or he is ready, go for it! And at 16 months he can sit up, and should be walking so no fear of him sliding into the water readily. If he and you are ready switch, and if you're worried that he may not like it, let him splash more with the bubbles, maybe try a new boat toy. Something new that he can associate with switching to the bigger bath, to make it more fun and an easier switch.
Myself, I never used a baby bath, just the bath tub itself, I started out climbing in with my daughter and holding her while i bathed her and let her kick and splash and it became easier when she could sit up and play more. Then at a year we introduced the shower-head for more fun! And it's worked great, my daughter takes both baths and showers since the age of 3, now at 5 she cleans better than my husband some days :)
{Try the tub-stickers, the ones you put on the bottom of the shower to give more grib when you stand. They even come in cute fishy designs, so slipping is less of a worry as well. They should give you more confidence in letting him sit up and play in the big tub.}
Good luck!

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