Thursday, August 29, 2013

How do you decorate a baby's room if you are co-sleeping? How long can she sleep in a cradle?

best infant toys 12 months
 on found the Winkel especially suited to my baby pre-6 months.
best infant toys 12 months image


I have a happy 5 month old daughter. My husband and I are dedicated to attachment parenting. She sleeps in a cradle next to our bed half the night and then joins us in our bed for her night feed at 2AM. Sometimes she wakes up with us. Sometimes she wakes up in her cradle.

I attachment parent and did co-sleeping with an Arm's Reach Co-Sleeper with my son as an infant... when my son reached the weight limit (at 7 months) we got him a crib and put it in his own room along with his toys and books and pictures on the wall -- nothing fancy, just a place to start putting all of his stuff, and a place to play.

We never "forced" him to sleep there. At first, we would let him take a nap in his new crib... We let him play in his room during the day... (meanwhile, he was sleeping nights in our bed since he was too big for the Co-Sleeper)... after a couple weeks, he understood that he had his own room, and would even crawl over, push the door open and go inside to play with his toys. He started building up positive associations with his room (rather than associations of it being like a prison). We let him initiate most of the time he spent in his room (instead of us sticking him in there).

Once he started napping in his crib with no problems, we started putting him down at night (this was at 12 months old)... if he cried, one of us would immediately go in, pick him up and rock him etc and then put him back down... we NEVER let him "cry it out"... we never wanted to make him think that going in the crib = being alone.

For a couple weeks, this was tedious (we would put baby to bed 25 times before he would go to sleep)... but eventually he trusted the situation (because we go in IMMEDIATELY if he cries) enough that we put him down now (at 15 months) and he smiles at us, hugs his teddy bear and goes to sleep. He wakes extra early (5 am) for a diaper change and to cuddle in mom&dad's bed for an hour or two until breakfast... so we are still in transition...

I think the main thing with attachment parenting is to let the child choose independence, instead of forcing it. Take it slow... eventually the child is going to want/need their own room, so set one up where they have fun (toys etc) read books to her in there etc... and once she enjoys spending time there she will naturally want to sleep there as well.

There are no rules, other than let your child lead you... children know what they want/need, so as long as you pay attention to her signals of readiness, you will know what/when to do her own room.

When will my infant start playing with toys?

Jadahs mom

I was wondering when will my baby Jadah start sitting up on her own and playing with her toys? She is 3 months old and Ive tried to introduce rattles to her and little bears. Also could she be teething ?...
She always has her hands in her mouth and slobbing She also like to chew on her clothes to where the front of her shirt in soaking wet.
thanx everyone!

My son noticed his toys at about 10 weeks...and started batting & slapping at them (on his activity mat) at about 11-12 weeks. He hasn't yet been able to sit up on his own, nor is he able to hold onto a toy and play with it yet...but I suspect it will be soon.

Get some teething keys or gumming toys...your child might like those, since she is chewing on everything right now. BTW, this behavior is completely normal!

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