Friday, August 23, 2013

Preparing for foster care before starting the process?

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Lauren Tur

We're hoping to do foster to adopt, hoping for a girl age 0-4..but we're also open to a sibling combo, boy/girl or girl/girl up to age 4..

Hubby and I are planning to remodel our house before trying to foster. A total remodel, not because we want to, but because we need to. Carpet, drywall, painting, tile, new tubs and showers, sinks..everything.

We're thinking it'll take about 1 year. In the mean time, we're talking about whether we should stock up on clothes and supplies for the age group that we're planning to foster.

So, when winter clothes go on sale, buy a bunch of winter clothes for newborn up to 4 or 5T, same with summer and fall clothes...also school supplies, toothbrushes, kids shampoos, baby supplies, car seats, convertible cribs, toys, etc?

And while we're remodeling, we are also planning to child-proof from top to bottom.

Do you think buying clothes is a bad idea? Ive heard stories about kids only showing up with the clothes on their back. Some have said if I buy them this year, by next year they will be "out of style" but I don't really think a 4 year old cares too much, and I'll try to buy things that will stay in style for a while, like plain shirts...

What do ya think? Good idea/Bad idea?
Any other suggestions on things we should buy and do in the year (2011) before we foster?

Thanks in advance!

I was in a foster home until I was 4 and a half. I remember I walked into the house and I was the fisrt foster child they had and I remember that I walked in and I had a blast "shopping" (going thru the clothes they had already bought) and knowing they were mine for a while. If I were you I would probably buy just a couple of pairs of jeans and tee shirts and pajamas not to much of anything but enough that if you get a foster child last min you have enough to last you till you can go shopping. As for toys and stuff buy a couple mostly stuffed animals because you can give them to them and they could cuddle with them.

I hope I helped you!

Hand foot and mouth disease!!!?

Q. I have a 2 year old daughter gave birth to our new baby girl friday november 25 2011. Because i left the hospital onlu 24 hrs after giving birth i was told to go take the baby to her ped three days later. While i was there some kids were playing with my 2 yr old that following friday she had a high fever and red bumps on sunday they turned into blisters took her to her ped and she was diagnosed with hfmd..fever only lasted a few days and thank god she didnt have that many in her mouth!!! 3 weeks later all the blisters on her hands and feet turned into dry skin! I took her a bath one night when she got out discovered she had new blisters on her feet! A week later there gone just took her a bath right now and found some new blisters i dont know what to do i havent took the newborn out the room i disinfect everything all toys cups i wash her clothes seperate i even change my clothes and wash my hands when going to tend to the baby!! Is she contagious should i keep the baby in the room im in desperte help the doc says shes not contagious i just need reasuarnce and advise why does it keep reacurring??? Thanks for youe time and advice

If there is no fever currently the doc is probably right about not being contagious. This may not be part of the hand foot and mouth. There are other causes of blisters on the hands and feet. If they persist, see a dermatologist.

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