Thursday, May 23, 2013

Where can I find reviews on infant toys and gear?

Q. Just prepping for Christmas shopping. lol.


A. I suggest the book Baby Bargains, which reviews a lot of toys, furniture, clothing--basically all things baby.

Amazon has customer reviews on their site, and so does Toys R Us and Target. I find them helpful most of the time.

Any suggestions for quality infant care programs in Austin, Texas?
Q. We live in south Austin and are expecting our first child in October. We both work and are looking for a high quality infant care program. Does anyone have any suggestions or experiences with different types of Licensed infant care in Austin, TX? I have been to Austin CitySearch and I there are many conflicting "reviews" about many of the infant programs. We don't make alot of money, but would pay for a high quality program for our infant...

A. Austin is a beautiful city - you are fortunate to live there. Congratulations. Parenthood is the most amazing experience you will ever have. Have you considered being stay at home parents? What if you used this time before the baby comes to figure out how to cut your expenses to the bone & live on one income? As you have found, there are no good infant care programs in Austin. Think about the folks who work in day care centers. Young, mostly uneducated ( HS diploma, perhaps) with little to no parenting experience. Total strangers to you & your baby. Your child wants to spend his/her day with those who are nurturing & loving - not someone who is making little more than minimum wage. I left my job to stay home & care for my son. I learned to do everything differently in terms of how I made our dollars stretch. Losing $25.00 an hour is a huge hit to the wallet. Has it been worth it? Absolutely! I can sacrifice a lot so I can stay at home with my son & he can stay in his home with his bed, his toys, lunch on his schedule, etc. Go to your library & borrow a book - "The Irreducible Needs of Children" Hopefully this will help you adjust your priorities & make the best decision for you child. Good luck . The highest quality infant care in Austin is in your home.

how do i know baby is teething?
Q. My new baby boy aged 5 months, today often fuss and cry for no reason and cram his fist into his mouth. What happened to my child? Is it painful? Is my baby start teething?

A. Hi Natalie, nice to meet you.
How's your baby this morning? May she always be in good health.

Age your baby is now 5 months? Well, it was a time that we parents make adorable while playing with our baby. But it is at these times, there was a moment that usually happens to a baby, which was the beginning of the period of teething. Some litaratur indeed stated that the age of 5-7 months (may be faster or longer), it is a time where a baby's teeth begin to grow. In some cases indeed, a baby will reflexively reached into his mouth, as a solution (in infants) in eliminating ra pain / itching caused by teething start page.

My son now age was 6.5 months. Period of 5 months, he also did the same with your baby. Initially hell did we deem mediocre, and we bought a regular toy anyway. But after I browse and get some references and a review of the occurrence of teething for a baby, my wife and I began to feel worried. Finally, we also provide a teething toy for our daughter, a toy from Vulli. Thankfully, so far even our daughter look more cheerful (although it She can not talk, he .. he ..). But indeed, we as parents see a significant difference in our baby now than ever before, when he was 5 months and happy to put his hand into the mouth.

This is an article from Ezine which time it inspired us, so we finally bought our daughter a toy from Vulli. And also the reviews are interesting, which we got from other sites. You can read through the following link. May be useful.

Hopefully what has been the experience for us, it can also inspire you and your family. Regards for your family and your baby.

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