Wednesday, May 22, 2013

What kind of games can I play with my 8 month old?

Q. I'm looking for some fun games to play with my 8 month old that are educational and fun. What's your babys favorite game to play? I'm just looking for something different than our regular floor play with toys. Any help is appreciated :) Thanks!

A. Things You’ll Need:

* Hats
* Cups
* Plastic Containers
* Children's Puzzles
* Infant Soft Dolls
* Toy Blocks

Step 1:
Play peekaboo and other hide-and-seek games. These are fun games as she's learning that you and her toys exist even when she can't see them.

Step 2:
Build a tower of blocks and show her how to knock it down. She'll delight in her ability to produce such an outstanding effect.

Step 3:
Give her toys that come apart or fit together; she'll find them particularly interesting at this stage.

Step 4:
Take turns patting a doll, banging a pot, drinking from a cup or putting a hat on your head. Imitation is one of her primary methods of learning.

Step 5:
Give your baby her own kitchen cabinet and fill it with containers and small objects. She'll enjoy her play.

Step 6:
Read to your baby. She'll like activity books like "Pat the Bunny." Expose her to a variety of books.

What is open heart surgery like for an infant?
Q. My daughter is going to have open heart surgery in a couple of weeks. SHe is 8 months old. I am just wondering if anyone can tell me what they went through and what I should expect. She is getting a large VSD fixed. Thanks!

A. If she has the procedure done at a children's hospital, I am sure she would receive extra special care.

My son had head surgery at 4 months. They removed a 4" by 5/8" piece of his skull (Craniosynostosis). I think he possibly only remembered waking up. My wife was by his side save for the 45 minute operation. His face swelled up, but he still was smiling at the cute nurses. Heart and respiration monitors showed his relaxed and excited (painful) states and he was medicated appropriately - morphine the first 8 hours, tylenol w/ codiene the 2nd day, and children's tylenol from day 3 on.

You will develop a huge respect for the human body in infant form. Your young daughter will show you a resiliance and tolerance that you will seldom seen in any adult. I predict one of your worries will be that she bounces back too quick, causing self injury before she is fully healed. I would worry about that, too.

You should plan to stay at her side 24/7. Bring some toys from home for her.

Best Wishes for Your Princess.

What are the most important questions to ask when interviewing a new child care provider?
Q. Our babysitter quit today with no notice. I've visited a few child care centers today, and I'm so nervous about sending my daughter to such a big environment when she's used to being in a house. She's 8 months old. What have been your experiences with infants and child care centers?

A. Before I was a mom I worked in a childcare center and we had an infant room. Some of the things that my center took pride upon were the following things:

**all of the staff was CPR/First Aid certified (re-issued every year at training, no lapsing!)
**parents were able to drop in whenever to say hello to their babies (once the baby graduated to the toddler room the parent was welcome to observe but it was usually hard for the child to see mom or dad leave 2x in one day)
**Our toys and equipment were sanitized at least once during the day and every night at closing. Toys were also rotated around

I also agree about talking with parents to see how they feel about the center. Parents are usually more than willing to share their experiences about the centers (even the if they don't like it)

Good Luck! It can be hard dropping your baby off somewhere else but in the end it should be a great experience for your daughter. Lots of interaction with kids and loving adults!

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