Monday, June 16, 2014

Vacation with a 6 1/2 month old infant?


Does anyone have any suggestions of a good vacation spot that is appropriate to bring a 6 1/2 month old infant? We live in NY so anything within a few hour flight would be preferable.

We were thinking about going to DisneyWorld ?? Any thought on that?
We will be taking this vacation in September when she will be 6 1/2 months old. We are not necessarily looking for something that she will enjoy (as we realize she is too young) we are more looking for a nice family vacation that would be easy to have an infant along.

My husband and I took our 6mth old to FL in April. We also live in the northeast, so the flight time was just over 2hrs. He did great on the plane. We stayed at a Disney hotel for one night, but didn't actually go to Disney World, although I think it would have been fine. The resort was great, he loved the pool, and there's tons of kids so nobody cared if he was ever cranky.
With a comfy stroller and a backpack carrier any vacation will be great. My only advice is to remember to bring small toys for when you eat out.
And I always hate when people say why do something since they won't remember it. Just because they won't remember, doesn't mean they won't have a good time while they're in it.
I'd say Disney, Virginia Beach, or Myrtle Beach are good places to look into. Have fun!!!

Air travel with infant/toddler - help!?


I'm going to be the only adult on a 3 hour day flight with my 2 year old and my 6 month old. My 2 year old will have a seat and my 6 month old will be on my lap. Does anyone have travel tips to help me stay sane? Thanks.

Since your 2-year-old will have a seat, he will also have a carry-on allowance. I usually pack a small backpack full of new items to keep my kids busy on the plane. You can get things like Play-Doh, Matchbox cars, coloring books, sticker books, small magna-doodle toys, story books, etc. Take them out one at a time as he/she seems to be getting bored or antsy. You can also bring a portable DVD player or laptop to play a movie if he or she will wear headphones.

For the baby, I'd recommend bringing a front-carrier so that you can have your hands free to tend to your kids more easily. The baby won't need as many things to be occupied, but you could get some new small stuffed toys or teethers.

Both kids will want to be either sucking on something or drinking something during take-off/ascent and descent/landing, which will help with the pressure on the ears. It can be a cup, a bottle, a pacifier, a sucker, etc.

Bring extra diapers/wipes (more than you think you'll need) and extra changes of clothes too.

Pack some snacks because the airline offerings aren't typically things that kids like. The TSA allows you to bring juice, formula, and milk for kids - enough to get through your travel for the day. You'll have to declare it at security. You can also buy some juice or milk in the airport after you go through.

Bring a stroller for the airport - you can check it at the gate and it will be waiting for you when you get off the plane at your destination.

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