Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Tips for Traveling with 8 Mo Infant by Car (18 hours)?


I will be going to Iowa from Texas. Last time we traveled, it took approx 18 hours. It will be a long drive! I want my family to see my 8 month old son for the first time. Have any of you ever drove a long distance by car with an infant? How did they do? What did you do to keep them happy? We plan on stopping every couple of hours of course to change baby and get some exercise. How often did you stop? How well did your baby sleep? Any tips would be much appreciated!

Just came back from a 12 hours trip with my 8 months old baby. It was hard but very manageable. I prepared a bag for all her food and bottles that I brought in the car with us so that if she needed anything I could have it ready quickly. I also bought her a couple of small new toys and did not show them to her until the car ride. A little donught for baby's head to support neck while they sleep. My baby loved playing with the tags. Make frequent stops to take baby out of the car seat and stretch their back, they get tired of sitting there for too long. I also have a dvd player for my older daughter but brought along a couple of the Baby Einstein DVDs or Barney and put them on. Not more than half an hour at a time but it kept her busy. Don't know if you're planning to drive straight through or make a stop for the night but in our case, I found that stopping for the night helped us a lot, gave us a chance to rest and more importantly gave the baby a break from the car ride and a big change of scenery. By the way roller shades for the windows are very useful on long car rides to protect baby from the sun, especially in the summer months.
Hope this helps and have a wonderful and safe trip.

Traveling across country with infant. Need tips and suggestions.?


Next month my husband and I will be driving across country with our soon to be 7 month old baby girl. We have never driven this long with her before and need some good ideas, tips, and suggestions from those of you that have or know someone who has. What should we bring and what did you find worked the best? What would you do different? Thank you all so much!

We took a fairly long car trip before my son was 4 months old, and we taped flash cards (with bright patterns and colors) onto the back seat and changed them whenever we stopped. We couldn't possibly have kept him occupied the whole time he was awake, but at least this way he had something to look at. Since your daughter is older, taping something to look at can't hurt and changing her toys every so often would probably help, too. And you might try the "overnight" diapers. You'll still have to stop often, but at least leakage is less likely!

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