Saturday, March 8, 2014

parents of 4 months-1 year olds! please help!?

Bre Bree

I have a infant observation paper I need to write for my child development class, however, I don't know anyone with infants to observe! I was wondering if anyone on here with babies ages 4 months-1year can help me by answering some questions. I GREATLY appreciate it! Thank you so much to all who helped out! If you could just state the age of your baby and answer the questions listed that would be GREAT! :) Thank you!

What does your infant eat and when?
Infant's favorite foods?
Any allergic reaction to foods?
When does your infant typically go to bed and wake up?
Are they still waking up during the night?
How does your infant's napping go?
What type of sounds/motor skills does your infant make?
Does your infant have any separation anxiety when left with caregivers, other family members/friends etc?
What are the infant's favorite toys?
What is an item that always provides comfort?

I know there is quite a few questions! Thank you SO much if you answered them. I really appreciate it!

My daughter is 8 months in a few days her name is marina I can try and answer your questions :)

1. She mostly breastfeeds still but does eat some solids like bananas, and the stage 1 baby food
2. Breast milk I think lol
3. Not yet
4. She goes to bed around 9. Wakes up around 5
5. She doesn't really wake up during the night anymore unless she is sick
6. She is horrible to put down for a nap lately I feed her at 5 and shell normally fall asleep on my chest and wake up around 8 or 9 then be up until like 2 when I try to put her down and shell normally sleep for about an hour
7. She babbles a lot chews on stuff as well
8. She loves pretty much everyone and will go to strangers she's just met (I think that's sorta weird)
9. She loves anything that makes noise she has a Dora doll that talks in English and Spanish that she loves
10. Her pacifer

what are symptoms for strep throat in infants?

Bethany B

what are some symptoms for strep throat in a four month old

Infants rarely get strep throat infection but they can get other types of strep infections. Watch out for a fever or a rash. If either is present then consult your pediatrician immediately. If the child is lthargic or less active then normal get him checked out. At this age any fever over 100 degrees F. should be checked out. At 4 months the baby does not have any risistance. If he is breast fed then wonderful. He will get some antibodies from moms milk. Not all moms can breast feed and should be sure the bottles and pacifiers are throughally cleaned. Some infections can be spread through impropperly cleaned bottles. You can visit Clorox's web site for information on sterilizing baby bottles. The bleach will kill any strep bacteria if cleaned according to directions. Also clean the baby's toys as those end up in their mouths as well. Keep hands clean and anyone comming into contact with the baby should be healthy and wash their hands at this age. It is ok to ask anyone near your baby if they have washed their hands. If they take offence then you can tell them they cannot hold the precious baby till they do so.

Congratulations on your new arrival. As always you can consult your pediatrician for any concerns. They are happy to do so. Make a list of questions and take it with you to all appointments. I have a notebook that i just keep adding too.

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