Thursday, March 6, 2014

Any infant toy recommendations?


I have a 6 month old daughter and I just recently began sitting for a 5 1/2 month old girl also.
I have all the big stuff (swing, jumparoo', entertainer, etc...) and lots of rattles, balls, stuffed animals...but am looking for other toys that might keep their interest longer and help them learn as well.

Any recommendations/links would be helpful!

I have an in-home daycare...currently I have 4 infants that range from 4 months to 11 months, here are the favorites:
The 6 months olds can close them easily, around 10 months they learn to open them also.
This is an expensive one but well worth the investment in my keeps ages 6 months all the way to 4 years old occupied
Another big one, but it's great for kids around 6-10 months learning how to put things into other things, plus the balls themselves are entertainment :)
Great for crawlers, fun to chase :)
Pretty much any type of activity table is a must once they hit around 6-7 months, they are great for learning to stand and play

Well I could go on and on...I have a zillion toys and the kids love most of them...if you'd like more ideas let me know, I'd be happy to help!

What would you get an infant girl about 6 months old for Christmas?


At 6 months, it isn't a present for the child. The infant won't know it is a present. It is a present to the parents. At 6 months, perhaps a toy that makes noises or plays a nursery rhyme. Perhaps a chewing toy since gums are pretty itchy at the time. Winter is approaching so perhaps soft warm flannel crib sheets. The infant needs lots of wash cloths, sleepers, 1-sies.

Whatever you get for her, give the both of you a present by holding her in your arms. Make funny faces. Make baby sounds. It will make your heart and her heart leap with joy.

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