Sunday, August 11, 2013

How do you keep your infant from crying while shopping?

best infant light up toys
 on best infant light up toys on Pull -ups and baby wipes Toys : light up ...
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I have an 11 month old infant who has a difficult time keeping entertained while I shop. The only way I can doing any shopping is if I know exactly what I want, purchase it, and then leave immediately. Whenever I need some time to browse, my 11 month old begins to fuss and eventually begins to cry. I've always fed and changed her before our outings so those reasons go out the window. Is there anyway that I can keep my daughter entertained better while I'm doing errands? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

I totally feel your pain..... First remember this don't worry about those childless people (or even parents themselves) who'll give you dirty looks if you baby so much as cries while you are trying to shop.. They'll get over it and ig they donn't eventually they'll go somewhere else. Some people seem to think they were perfect angels when they were young (yeah right!)
Babies are going to cry... even if there is nothing wrong.
Babies cry to relieve stress too. Not just when they are hungry or need to be changed or tired.

Alot of time shopping in the morning not too long after the baby has gotten up and been fed. Not too close to nap time though : )

Sometime I bring cheerios and juice. Or I let them bring a toy... Once they get sick of that I give them my keys...
Also I saw another person mention letting them hold things that you put in your basket.... I do that too!

Have you tried those soft books? some of them have teething toys on them and some have different textures... like crinklly paper in them or something squeaky in them

If a pacifier works for you then go for it! I refused to give my kids a pacifier after 6 months old... it can hinder speech development. I see some mom's with 2 and 3 year olds that still have "binkies" and they think it's cute that the kid can talk even with the paci in their mouth.... Little do they know it's training the kid to talk like that... all garbled and such
But if it's the only thing that will work then it's up to you.

The only other thing I can think of is what I did when my daughter (I have 2 kids) was getting into the "difficult" stage
I just refused to take her with me..... If I ran out of milk.. too bad
We'd just have to wait for daddy to get home.. or I would just call him and have him get some on the way home.
Then when I had real grocery shopping to do... not just milk and eggs, I would have my husband take care of her while I shopped.

oh, I just remembered... do you have any musical toys? (what kinda question is that?) Or ones that have lights and stuff?
That always seemed to work for my 19 month old son.
He would be crying and just suddenly stop when he heard his toy. He would completely forget about WHY he was crying : )

Hope this helps!

What are some good toys/items to buy my 3 month old for xmas?


I know he's too little to really play, but I want to get him something at least. What is something I could get him that he would enjoy? i know infants like the bright lights and music, but i am having trouble finding something besides little handheld cheap toys.

Books are great, even though they are obviously too advanced for a 3 month old. I read all the time to my daughter (3.5 months) and she really loves it. It's so good for them too, sounds silly but reading at this early age will really help your little one's language skills. Baby gyms/mats are also really good, well worth paying for.

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