Sunday, August 11, 2013

What are some gross motor activities for infants?

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Tara Kay

I need some ideas for Gross/fine motor activities for infants. I also need ideas for sensory play for infant. I good site would be great too.

It really depends on the age of your infant. My son is 8 months now and here are some activities I do with him:

Gross Motor:
*Sing "The Wheels on the Bus" and do action with him --In particular "the people on the bus go up & down" --I stand him up and put him down.
*Let him sit and play (develops balance & back muscles)
*Let him have tummy time (pre-crawling exercises and develops back & neck muscles)
*Hold his hands or waist and let him stand (Develop leg muscles and balance)
*Stand him up against the couch (for balance and leg strength)

Fine motor:
*Let him play with/eat cheerios or gerber graduates puffs (develops pincher grasp)
*Sing "Itsy Bisty Spider" with actions
*Sing "Patty Cake" with actions
*SIng "Head, Shoulders, Knees, & Toes" with actions
*Give him many shapes, sizes, and textures of toys to play with & explore while he is sitting or having tummy time (blocks, stuffed animals, measuring cups, balls, sippy cup, tummy time mat, etc, etc, etc)

Good luck & Have fun.
Also, don't forget to read to your baby!! Babies looooove books

What are some possible questions I may get asked at an interview at a daycare center or preschool?


Also how should i respond to those questions. It's for an infant/toddler teacher

>They may ask if you are familiar with the curriculum they use. If you don't know what it is, you should ask before the interview if possible and look it up on line so that you can ask intelligent questions about it or even answer a few yourself.

>They will ask about previous experience working with infants and toddlers.

>They will ask about your personal philosophy about discipline and how it should be handled.

>They may give you a brief scenario and ask how you would respond to it, ie Johnny and Sara are playing with toy cars. Johnny takes Sara's car from her and Sara hits him. How do you respond as the teacher supervising the play? If you don't understand how to support young children in this kind of situation, you need to do some research and reading.

>They may ask for some ideas of what kinds of activities you think would be fun and constructive for the children to participate in. (Messy is good! music and dancing or rhythm activities are also excellent. You might want to come up with some specific examples of these kinds of activities so you can give concrete ideas.)

>They may talk about the importance of staff/child ratio and ask how your attendance at previous jobs or at school was.

>They may ask why you would like to have this position, so give some thought as to how you would answer that. Just "I need a job" isn't what they are looking for. Perhaps you want to make a positive difference in the lives of children. Perhaps you've spent a lot of time in the church nursery, or babysitting, and really enjoy interacting with young children. Think about it.

Also, be thinking about questions you would like to ask them because you will probably be given the opportunity. If they haven't said anything about curriculum, that would be a good time to bring that up. If they haven't mentioned the hours for the position or the rate of pay, those are good questions to ask. Also, ask how you would be expected to dress. If you're not familiar with staff/child ratio for that age group, do ask. It's important. You might also want to ask about nap time procedure and potty training if those haven't come up yet. Be professional, positive, and friendly. This kind of job is very busy, active, and fun. They are going to want to see that you can keep up with the kids!

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