Friday, November 8, 2013

where can someone who is opening a daycare get donations from?

best infant crib toys
 on Tips To Buy The Best Crib Toys For Your Babies
best infant crib toys image


My friend is opening a daycare and needs help getting infant and toddler stuff for the center. She needs things like cribs,toys,furniture, and anything else that can be helped with.

Maybe post an ad on Craig's list seeking donations. Or, get a loan from a bank and buy used stuff.
Or, she could ask around at existing day care centers to see if one of them wants to sell their established business and buy the supplies/business with a loan and payments.

Relying on donations to open a business is risky. If she doesn't have enough money to get the essential supplies to open she may want to wait until she has money saved up to open her business. Or get a business partner to front the money.

I need help with room arrangement in my Day Care Center. Can you help?


I work in a Day Care Center. My Center is removing a wall to make my Infant Room large enough for 12 Infants. The children range in age, from four months to 15 months. Can anyone help me with ideas on how to arrange cribs, toy shelves, and high chairs to accomodate all twelve children. I really need help with this. Thank You!

make them space efficiant but so that the kids feel at home u need somewhere for them to play either have a play thingy or take them to the park put the objects in order from age like and ohh ohh make it COLORFULL hope i helped

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