Monday, November 4, 2013

When did your baby start grabbing things?

best babies toys 3 months
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Ryan's Mom

My baby is 3 months and still cannot grab things. Im not sure when they are supposed to.

It really depends on what you are talking about. My daughter did not start grabbing at toys and stuff until somewhere between 4 and 5 months. However, it you mean not at all then this may be a problem. Newborns should be able to grasp your finger, if you place it in his or her palm and she doesn't even try to grasp it then I would definetly get things checked out. Keep in mind that even if she is delayed they won't start any kind of intervention unless she becomes at least 4 months or more behind. Babies all develop differently so unless she is 6 months old and can't hold a toy or roll over then i wouldn't get worried. They have to be significantly behind before you should worry.

Would a 3 month old still be interested in a baby gym toy?

first time

I read reviews from parents of 4 weeks old to 3 month old babies. Until what age are babies still interested in a baby gym? The can be quite pricey and wouldn't want to have it for a few weeks only... Thank you.

My children are about 20 weeks old and they still love it. They always sat in it and looked, but they really couldn't play with the toys until they were about 15 weeks. It has been incredibly worth it. My friend has a 8 month old who still plays with thier gym - only now he can crawl around it on his own.

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