Wednesday, September 4, 2013

what is the best way to make space for a baby in a one bedroom apartment??

best infant crib toys
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best infant crib toys image
Q. we just signed a new lease and it isnt up until the summer, how do we make space for the baby and all the items ( crib, toys, stroller, etc..) ??

Get a small stroller that can fold up and be kept in the hall or outside the door or in your car. Don't get an infant car seat because you'll have to either leave it in the car or store it somewhere in your house. Get a convertible seat like the Sunshine Kids Radian 80 or the Britax Marathon--both can be used from birth-65 or 80 lbs depending on the seat. Plus, they both have better safety ratings than infant seats.

A bassinet is useless and you can only use it for a couple of months and then you'll have to store it. Or, if you plan to co sleep, that'll save space, too. If you get a crib, make sure it doesn't have a drawer under it. This way you can buy plastic drawers to stick underneath it and store toys, clothes, etc.

You don't need a changing table--just get a changing pad that you can slide under the bed, behind the couch, behind a bookcase, etc.

If you get a swing, get one that also has a vibrate feature so you don't need a separate vibrating seat.

Don't buy a full high chair, get one that attaches to a kitchen chair so it doesn't take up extra space. Wait to get an exersaucer or something similar until the baby's 5 or 6 mos old. That way, it's not taking up tons of space. Newborns don't have a lot of toys. If you get a gym, get the tinylove kind that folds up and you can take it down when you're not using it and it'll be flat and you can stick it behind the couch, head board, wherever. Get one of those organizers for the countertop for baby food and bottles and you should be set!

Any suggestions for good toys for young babies?

Q. I'm a first-time mom and my three month old daughter is just starting to swat at toys on her playmat. We didn't stock up on any toys before she was born because we knew we wouldn't need them right away so now I'd like to get some for her. Also, we're planning on getting an exersaucer in the near future when she can hold herself up a little bit better. Any suggestions including name brands? Thanks for your help!

My baby is 4 months, and he's just now getting big enough for his Rainforest Jumperoo. The activity mat kept him pretty busy for the first couple of months... there's not much they can do except swat things on the activity mat and watch the mobile on the crib at that age. You might buy more toys for the activity mat (I bought the Tiny Love windchimes for my baby to kick, he loves those). Also, board books (like Goodnight Moon) are great. Until they are older, babies really need to interact with their parents, so just pointing things out and talking to her about them is enough entertainment.

By the way, I saw someone suggested the Baby Einstein videos... I would not suggest those. Research has shown that they actually delay language development.
"Despite marketing claims, parents who want to give their infants a boost in learning language probably should limit the amount of time they expose their children to DVDs and videos such as "Baby Einstein" and "Brainy Baby."

Rather than helping babies, the over-use of such productions actually may slow down infants eight to 16 months of age when it comes to acquiring vocabulary, according to a new study by researchers at the University of Washington and Seattle Children's Hospital Research Institute.

The scientists found that for every hour per day spent watching baby DVDs and videos, infants understood an average of six to eight fewer words than infants who did not watch them."

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