Monday, September 2, 2013

How to cleanse a dream catcher?

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I really do believe these things work. My family on my moms side is half cherokee indian so we own alot of dream catchers, but nobody knows for sure how to cleanse them.. So do you? My sister said that you hang it outside and the first rays of sun shine it gets will get the bad dreams out. Others say to spray with water, or another way is to get sage and all that, but i dont want to smell up my room with sage. One more way ive been told is when theirs a full moon outside, you have to hang the dream catcher outside all night and the first moon rays the dream catcher sees will clean it. Got any simple, REAL ways to rid bad dreams from a dream catcher? Thankss.

"My family on my moms side is half cherokee indian so we own alot of dream catchers"


"dreamcatchers" aren't remotely connected to anything Cherokee, and aren't part of Cherokee culture or tradition.

They are Ojibwe cradle decorations, invented in the 1920's, as sort of crib mobiles. They have ZERO spiritual significance (which is why we are able to make and sell them to tourists- things with spiritual meanings can never be sold)

And as crib mobiles, they aren't intended for anyone over the age of like, 5.

We are baffled by white peoples obsession with what is, essentially, an infant's crib toy.

Sheesh! WHICH of the three Cherokee bands is your family affiliated with? Or is it just an undocumented family rumor? Obviously the latter, since any Cherokee elder would smack you upside the head for ascribing magic powers to a dreamcatcher. That's for gullible new age white people.

Wanna wash your "made in china" dreamcatcher, covered in little dyed chicken feathers? soap and water and hang it up to dry.

edit**********@ Terry....YOU have a dreamcatcher? seriously? Do you also have a night light in your room to keep the bogeyman away? <giggles>

I apologize for the snarky tone. We're just getting sick of this crap, really.

Looking for a COMPLETE list of all recalled infant toys, I can only find little lists here and there.?


Is there some place on line where all of them have been listed from the onset of this hype until now?

All my sons toys are freak'n made in China... I think iam going to have to take them all away.

How do we know that the ones that havent been listed are safe? Maybe they just havent been tested or listed YET.

Beyond that, what toy companies actually make infant toys in the US? Are there really any? I havent found any...

Stupid freaking chinese. Hacking our defense computers and poisoning our children, theyre probably trying to weaken us for an invasion.. jeez.

Try the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Here is their list of toys, Chinese or otherwise:

Their main page is

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