Tuesday, August 6, 2013

What items can i buy for a newborn that is coming in February now?

best infant toys 2009
 on Top Toddler Toys: Best & Worst Equipment for Your Baby | Developmental ...
best infant toys 2009 image


My babys coming in February 2009. I had an idea to buy things like diapers, formula. wet wipes etc. a little every week, so that by the time the baby is born, i will have a stockpile of things so I wouldnt be spending so much later on.

what can i buy now that will last the next few months (little things not a crib or car seat of course) that will last?

little things 2 buy as u go...girl or boy?

baby kit with thermometer, clippers, hairbrush, comb ,etc--some of these can be bought 2gether or sep

baby monitor
receiving blankets (would only buy a few if u r having a shower)
baby washclothes/towels
avent formula divider cup 4 when u r out and need 2 feed baby; can be switched 2 a snack cup later
if ff bottles
bottle brushes
drying rack
dr brown's formula pitcher--great 2 keep out bubbles instead of shaking
swaddle me, by kiddopotamus, only 10 bucks at babies r us--easier and baby cant kick out
couple thicker blankets
diaper bag
a few sleepers with material suited 2 your area--good 4 baby 2 wear at home if cooler, onesies better if it is warmer in your home
crib sheets
waterproof lap pads (gerber is my pref, carters didn't seem as well made)
waterproof mattress protector
if u will be getting a bassinet and/or play yard u can buy wp pads and sheets 4 them
and 4 crib, check out 'the ultimate crib sheet'
bouncy seat/swing--prices vary greatly and u could get them 2nd hand
boppy--good for feeding either way, holding, baby sitting in, tummy time
boppy covers--cotton ones are cheaper and they fit better
changing table pad and covers
bins or baskets to organize things under table
baby hangers, baby hangers with the clips for outfits
clothes hamper
diaper genie2
small infant toys
teether toys
diaper depot
baby meds--generics are cheaper and just as good--tylenol, mylicon for now
desitin regular, not creamy (more zinc oxide than anything else i can find)
frag/dye free laundry detergent and baby wash
don't buy too much formula in case u need 2 switch :)
play mat with a toy bar, prices vary greatly here too
mirror for baby in car so that u can see them in your rearview
sunshades for car windows
lingerie bag for washing those little baby socks
baby sleep sacks
hand mittens so baby doesn't scratch their face up
hats since it will be cold and babies esp lose a lot of body heat through their head
*not sure where you are, but when you buy up diapers, make sure that wherever you buy them will let you exchange them for a diff size if needed after their return period is up bc it is gonna be a while before you know exactly what size you will need the most of...i bought the huge boxes at babies r us bc per diaper they were the cheapest i could find and i asked and they said it would be ok to exchange and i had too and they let me, walmart will too, but they don't carry the big boxes..by buying the big boxes of swaddlers, i save a ton! i looked at the grocery store and luvs would be more expensive per diaper if i bought them there, i guess bc they didn't have the big boxes, but i have never seen a big box of those anywhere
if you are having a shower you may get most or all of this stuff at your shower, so if you are having one, i would hold off on things that you wouldn't want duplicates of that you can't return....some things, doesn't matter, you will use them eventually, others, not so good...alll i can think of right now...LOL, sorry for the book, but i hope it gives you some ideas, most aren't necessitites, but are really nice to have..good luck

My four month old infant has very spastic hand movements is this normal?


My four month old daughter has very spastic hand/arm movements like she cant control them. And she was doing very good eating stage one baby food but recently, in the past two weeks or so, she has been having a hard time doing what looks like swallowing. Her tongue just pushes the food out of her mouth. When she concentrates on a toy, she can bring her hands to it but then soon drops it because her arms spaz. Is this normal or should talk to a doctor about possible signs of a tic?

If she is pushing food out with her tongue SHE IS NOT READY FOR SOLIDS. Forcing solids at this stage damages her natural gag reflex. Babies loose the 'tongue thrust reflex' around 4-7 months. This is a natural reflex that all babies have, and will go away on its own.

As for the spasms, she is still young. You can ask the doc for better advice on this.

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