Thursday, August 8, 2013

How do I train my boxer puppy not to bite?

best infant standing toys
 on SuperStock - Baby boy (15-18 months) standing beside toys, portrait
best infant standing toys image


My 8 weeks old boxer puppy is very playful, but we don't want her to think it's okay to bite us. We are having a difficult time getting her to understand. I know we shouldn't expect results overnight, but NOTHING phases her. We've tried "yelping" when she bites too hard, giving her toys to chew instead of our hands, walking away and ignoring her when she bites...she just follows us, climbs all over us, and continues to bite. Any suggestions?

There are two main reasons your puppy is biting.
First reason is that he may be teething, (or he may be teething in the near future) which means that all of his puppy teeth need to come out for his new ones to grow. Provide plenty of toys so he doesn't use your hands or other items which may be of importance to you. You might find some teeth in the toys or in his food at that stage.
Another thing is that although you need to stop your puppy from biting if the habit continues, it's pretty normal at this point. You know how infant babies like to touch everything and see how it feels? Well dogs do this with their mouth because they don't have fingers and hands.

A way to stop this mouthing is pretty simple. Do not hit your puppy, as that is just making him scared of you and a frightened dog makes a nervous-aggressive dog.
Get some frozen butter (frozen because it makes less of a mess) and rub it all over your hands. Your puppy will lick the butter instead of biting and will learn to treat human skin differently than his chew toys.

Also, just stand up and ignore him for about two-three minutes immediately after he bites. Don't make eye-contact or give him any attention until he calms down. Then you may play with him again. Repeat this until the habit goes away.

Good luck, and have fun with your new puppy!

Any tips for traveling with a buddy pass on Frontier Airlines?


I plan on traveling with buddy passes for my daughter and I. I will also have an infant on my lap. (crazy I know, this was my husbands idea!)
I have never used a buddy pass before and would like ANY tips! I plan on traveling on a tuesday or a wednesday from San Diego to Chicago, on frontier airlines.
I am also traveling with kids which makes me a unique, and crazy stand by passenger.
Also... will they enforce the dress code for kids as well?
Thanks for any help!

tip: be zen about it. If you are supposed to make your flights, you will! If not....lots of diapers, wipes, change of clothing, snacks, toys to keep amused...oh, and some for the kid too :)

do check the flight loads! presume you are changing in Denver, so you have to make sure they both look OK (when res says the day before "they are both wide open", you can relax...a little...)

Don't know specifically about Frontier's dress code, but usually they just ask that kids' clothes should be neat, clean, & in good condition (if your daughter is partial to jeans with a hole in the knee, hide them that day)

Just chill, hang by the gate, and listen for your name! and bone up on the timetable, in case your plans do not immediately come to fruition (and don't freak out if that happens--it is part of the deal that sometimes you get on, sometimes you don't, and the gate agent doesn't really have time to solve your problems)

Good luck!

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